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青岛港湾职业技术学院授课教案 编号:第 1 周 第 1/2 次 课 题 Unit 1 Cargo Ship (1) 班 级 10航海2 授课日期 2010 年 9 月 日 星期 目 的 与 要 求 Familiarize the students with cargo ships Learn useful words and expressions 重 点 Grasp the major kinds of cargo ships Learn useful words and expressions 难 点 Distinguish different kind of cargo ships 授课方式 Lecture 教 具 Multi-media 教 学 过 程 设 计 Step 1 General introduction Step 2 Detailed study Step 3 Dialogue Step 4 Speaking practice Step 5 Listening practice 教 学 过 程 Step 1 General introduction to cargo ships Ships are one of the oldest and most important means of transportation. Everyday, thousands of ships cross the oceans, sail along seacoasts, and travel on inland waterways. Trade among countries depends heavily on ships. The great majority of ships that are neither military vessels nor yachts can be divided into several broad categories: cargo carriers, passenger carriers, industrial ships, service vessels, and noncommercial miscellaneous. Future ships will be even more efficient than those of today and so will cost less to operate. All ships will become larger and increasingly automated. 集装箱船又称货柜船或货箱船。其货舱和甲板均能装载集装箱。货舱盖强度大;多为多层甲板结构,货舱开口宽大;为保证强度和提高抗扭强度,船体设计为双层底和双层壳舷结构,并在双层舷侧的顶部设置抗扭箱结构;同时为防止货箱移动和固定货箱,货舱内设有隔珊式货架;其装卸效率高,货损货差小。此外,集装箱船的主机功率较大,航速较高。 杂货船即普通货船,主要用于装载一般干货,如包、箱、捆、桶的件杂货。通常是多层甲板结构,舱口尺寸较大以便于装卸,并配有吊杆或起重机。在抗沉性方面,一般设计成“一舱不沉制”。 Step 2 Part A—C Part A General knowledge and discussion ships are one of the oldest and most important means of transportation. Cross the oceans, sail along seacoasts Travel on inland waterways Trade among countries depends heavily on ships. Be divided into several broad categories Noncommercial miscellaneous Become increasingly automated are ships very important in international trade? have you ever seen different types of ships? Questions: what is a general cargo ship what are the characteristics of a container sh



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