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1 2012 江苏职称英语 卫生 类 考 试 真 题 试 卷【二】 说明:本试卷共七大题,申报高级职称者全做,满分为 120 分;申报中级职称 者做第一、二、三、四、五、七大题,满分为 100 分。第六大题申报中级职称 者不做,做了也不判分【注:高级单独列出】 一、词汇与语法选择(20 小题,每小题 0.5 分。共 10 分,建议完成时间 10 分 钟) 21. _________ for your encouragement, Id never have invented this machine 要不是 你的鼓励,我根本不能发明这台机器 A. Had it not C. If I had not been B. If it were not D. Had it not been 要不是 22. If we can______ our present difficulties, everything will be all right. 如果我们能 解决我们目前的困难,一切都会好的。 A. get off 下来 C. get over 克服 B: get across 通过 D. get through 完成 23. All buses ________because of the heavy snow, they had to go there on foot。因为 大雪所有的公交车已经被取消, 他们不得不走路去那里。 A. had been canceled 已撤销 C. were canceled 取消 B. having been canceled 被取消 D. having canceled 撤销 24. In our apartment, there are five rooms, _______is used as a living-room. 在我们 的公寓里,有五个房间,其中最大的是当一个起居室 A. the largest of them B the largest of what . C. the largest of which 最大的房间 D the largest of that 25. Its highly necessary that the rocket ________ until all the preparations have been made. ,直到所有的准备工作做好,这是非常必要的,否则火箭无法发射。 A. is not to be launched B not be launched 不能被发射 C. were not launched 不发射 D was launched 发射 26. Melted iron is poured into the mixer much ______from a teapot. 融化的铁倒入 搅拌机就像同样的方式倒入茶壶。 A. in the same way like C. in the same way that B. in the same way which D. in the same way as 以同样的方式 27.Oil, ______there are several different types, is used for many purposes by countries all over the world. 几种不同的类型的油,被世界各地的国家用于多种用 途。 A. at which B. in which C. by which . D. of which 28. It seems to be high time that this argument_____ put to an end。 争论到高潮的时候,就结束了。 1 1 A. must be B. is C, were D. should be 29. The computer has brought about surprising technological changes_____ we produce and organize information. 计算机在生产方式和组织信息方面已经带来了 令人惊讶的技术变革。 A. in a way 在某种程度上 C. in that way 那样 B. in the way 在这方面 D. in no way 绝不 30 . ____ second thoughts theyve decided to give up the purchase of the new assembly line. 转念一想,他们决定放弃购买新的装配线。 A. On【On second thoughts 再三考虑的】 B.



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