人教版必修5Unit3Life in the future单词学案2.doc

人教版必修5Unit3Life in the future单词学案2.doc

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人教版必修5Unit3Life in the future单词学案2

Unit3 Life in the future单词学案2 课题: Unit3 Life in the future 教学重点:单词的记忆及理解 课前准备:请同学们提前阅读导学案内容,了解课堂上要完成的任务,并做好以下准备:预习导学案,读熟第三单元单词 Teaching Steps :(教学步骤) Step 1:Have a check ----复习上节课内容 Step2:learn the following words and expressions 自学下列的单词,不会的地方标出,自己查字典或等待老师的解决。 12.bend/bent/ bent v 使弯曲 n .弯 a sharp bend in tube 管的陡曲处   make/take a bend 转弯 a sharp bend 一个急转的弯 bend down 弯身 He bent down and picked it up .他俯身把它捡起来。 13.press (1)v.压;按;推;榨; He pressed the doorbell. 他按了门铃。 Some drinks are made by pressing fruit. 有些饮料是压榨水果制成的。 2)挤 He pressed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群 3)紧迫,敦促 Time presses. 时间紧迫。 Well let you know if anything presses. 如有紧急情况,我们会通知你的 新闻界,新闻记者[U] The power of the press is very great. 新闻界的力量非常强大。 出版社,出版业,印刷机 the University Press 大学出版社 14. optimistic/ pessimistic (常与about连用) 乐观的 / 悲观的 We should be optimistic about the future.我们应该对未来乐观。 There’s no reason to be pessimistic about the future.没有理由对未来悲观。 optimist 乐观主义者 optimism 乐观主义 pessimist 悲观主义者 pessimism 悲观主义 15.switch n 开关 ,转换 v 转移,转换 You pressed the wrong switch.你按错了开关。 He switched the light on .他打开了灯。 switch on /off 接上/切断(电流) switch to 转(换)到 At first, the speaker was referring the problem of air pollution,but suddenly he switched to another subject.(转到) 16.opportunity 机会 take the opportunity to do sth =take the opportunity of doing sth 趁机........ Let me take the opportunity to say a few words.请让我趁此机会讲两句。 Opportunity comes but once.机不可失,时不再来。 17.enormous adj巨大的 an enormous amount of money 巨款 18.imitate v 1)模仿 Jane imitates the cuckoo.简模仿布谷鸟的叫声。 2. 以...做为范例,仿效 I wish you would imitate your brother a little more.我希望你多学学你的兄弟。 3. 仿制;伪造 It was some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。 帮助,协助[(+with/in)] We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge. 我们请他帮助我们设计一座新桥。 2)到场,出席[(+at)] She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown. 不知什么缘故她不肯出席招待会。 3) He assisted in designing the new bridge. 他协助设计那条新桥。 The roof


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