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摘要6 C) d7 g+ A4 H9 f. \论文摘要的写法不象数学术语的定义和数学定理的叙述那样,有一定的格式可循,但对于初学者来说,仍有一些常见的句子可以摹仿。现略举一些这样的句子,并附上一些论文摘要作为例子,供读者参考。需要指出的是,这里所举的例句对普遍的文章均适合,比较抽象,具体的论文摘要除了可上下面某些句子外,必须有具体内容,更确切地说摘要中要包含一些 key words以说明该文涉及的内容,但一般不要在摘要中引用文献。1.开门见山,说明文章内容,可用下面的句子起句:The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note) is to prove…The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note) is to show…The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note) is to present…The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note) is to develop…The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note) is to generalize…The aim(or object, purpose) of this paper(or note) is to investigate…It is the purpose of this paper to prove…It is the purpose of this paper to show…It is the purpose of this paper to present…It is the purpose of this paper to develop…It is the purpose of this paper to generalize…It is the purpose of this paper to investigate…This paper is concerned with…This paper deals with…In this paper we prove…In this paper we present…In this paper we propose to show…2.如果需要简略回顾历史,然后再说明自己文章的内容,则可参考采用下面的句子:The problem…was first treated by…and later…improved by…. The purpose of this paper is to prove that it holds in a more general case.…first raised the problem which was later partly solved by … . We now solve this problem in the case of …3.如果文章推广了别人的结果,或减弱了别人结果中的条件,则可参考采用下面的句子:The purpose of this paper is to generalize the results obtained by …to a more general case, i. e.,…In this paper we shall prove several theorems which are generalizations to the results given by …This paper intends to remove some unnecessary assumptions(e. g. , regularity) from the paper on…This paper deals with generalizations of the following problem…This paper improves the result of …on…by weakening the conditions…例:It is the purpose of the present paper to point out that certain basic aspects of information-processing systems possess dynamical analogy, and to show that these analogies can be exploited to obtain deeper insights into the behaviour of


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