Motivation Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W Kalat 动机心理学导论,第七版,杰姆斯W卡拉特.ppt

Motivation Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W Kalat 动机心理学导论,第七版,杰姆斯W卡拉特.ppt

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Motivation Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, James W Kalat 动机心理学导论,第七版,杰姆斯W卡拉特

Chapter 11 Motivation Motivation Motivation Psychologists have made strides in understanding complicated motivated behaviors. But many human motivations are still puzzling or seem illogical when scrutinized. We will begin with some general principles of motivation, and then examine three areas of interest: hunger, the sex drive, and achievement. Module 11.1 General Principles of Motivation What are you most highly motivated for? Create a top-five 1 2 3 4 5 Properties of Motivated Behavior Characteristics of motivated behavior: They are goal directed behaviors – motivated individuals keep working until they reach their goal. They vary from time to time and one individual to the next. If an individual varies the behavior and persists until reaching a goal, it is a motivated behavior. Views of Motivation It is hard to develop a satisfactory definition of motivation There are several frameworks that are used in psychology to understand what motivation is. Views of Motivation Motivation as an energy The word motivation is derived from the same root as “motion” – something that moves an organism. Lorenz and others proposed that animals behave in instinctive ways when certain energies reach a critical level. It is as if a specific kind of energy builds up and needs to be released, if it is not released through the preferred outlet, it will “spill” through a less preferred one. Motivation as energy building up in reservoirs ... Views of Motivation Motivation as an energy This view is based upon an obsolete conception of how the nervous system works. We now understand that individuals can inhibit impulses towards a disadvantageous behavior; there is no “spilling” of unreleased energy. Views of Motivation Drive theories A drive is a state of unrest or irritation that energizes one behavior after another until one of them removes the irritation. (e.g., splinter) Drive-reduction theory proposes that animals strive to reduce their drives as much as possible. Can you use drive


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