MPM制程—Fine pitch-钢板印刷制程应用.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Applying Vision Offsets 0.002” 0.001” +X -Y -X +Y X Offset = + 0.001” Y Offset = - 0.002” 0.002” 0.001” +X +Y -X -Y X Offset = + 0.001” Y Offset = + 0.002” Print Offset Corrections (Ultraprint 3000) The print offsets can be viewed 2 different ways: by looking directly at the board and by looking at the screen on the machine (typically during View Errors). When looking at the monitor on the machine it is important to remember that the Y axis is upside down. See the 2 illustrations below. Remember you are moving THE BOARD, not the print. Looking Directly at the Printed Board Looking at the Monitor During View Errors * Snapoff Vs. On-Contact Printing On Contact printing combined with a Slow Snapoff or slow board release will yield the best results, but adds to overall cycle time. Contact Printing reduces the effect of stencil stretch. Snapoff printing may be necessary when printing at high speeds, when slow snapoff cannot be used, and when cycle time is critical. Snapoff printing may yield varying paste heights when getting closer to edges. Snapoff vs. On Contact * Board Support Vacuum Hold Down. Side Snugging of Board. Proper support and hold down of board is a must for accurate printing. This prevents the board from moving while printing. Board Support * Board Support Options Vacuum Hold Down. Side Snugging of Board. Dedicated Fixturing Proper support and hold down of board is a MUST for accurate printing. This prevents the board from moving and bowing while printing. Above board clamps, vacuum, side snugging – may give printing ISSUES Board Support * Ease and Repeatability of Setup and Board Teaching. Software ability to Teach a new PCB in a Step by Step procedure. Quick and Easy Printing parameter setup. Squeegee parameters, Vision Models and Offsets, Post print information, etc...can all be recalled easily by Loading a File. Board Teach / Setup * Squeegee


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