L113-L119 语言点.docx

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L113-L119 语言点

1. L113 Language points:1) no=not any, not…a, 如何替换英国:I haven’t got any small change. = I have got no small change. 美国:I don’t have any small change.= I have no small change. No=not any, not a ,否定得更加强烈。I have none. ( 我一点都没有)替换练习: I haven’t got any flowers/milk. = I have got no flowers/milk. He hasn’t got a dog. = He has no dog. I don’t have any flowers/milk. = I have no flowers/milk. She doesn’t have a car. =She has no car. Have got =have:Have you got any money?=Do you have any money?none 没有任何人或物。 Do you have any friends here? I have none.None of +复数名词或代词 “…中没有一个” None of us is right. None the students is in the classroom.2)so与neither/nor 的倒装句肯定: So + 助动词情态动词 be动词 + 主语。(后面的人或是事物 与前面的人或事物 一样肯定)否定: Neither / Nor + 助动词情态动词 be动词 +主语。(后面的人或是事物 与前面的人或事物 一样否定)肯定: A: I like bananas. B: So do I. A: I can swim. B: So can she.A: My sister is singing. B: So is my brother.A:Mr Wu has gone home. B: So has Mr. Wang. 否定: A: I don’t like apples. B: Neither/Nor do I. A: I am not reading books. Neither is my brother. A: I won’t go to Shanghai. B: Neither will IA: She is not at home. B: Neither is her sister.3) either,必须放在否定句的句末。 He doesn’t like math,either. We haven’t finished our homework, either.4) a ten-pound note. ten-pound 不加s,它已变成形容词了。 She is a fifteen-year old girl. This eighty-year old lady lives with her daughter. Pay attention to that three-leg stool. 2. L115 Language Points:1)Everythings =Everything is.2)Nothing at all.什么也看不见。是省略句,承上句省略了 I see。3)Its nice and warm out here.这外面挺暖和。句中 it指天气。 nice and用于形容词或副词前加强语气,意为“很”、“十分”。一般表示褒义,但有时也用于表示贬义。Today is beautiful. It’s nice and warm.4)Theres none left.一点都不剩了。句中的left是leave的过去分词,表示“剩下的”、“没用完的”。它通常位于不定代词之后,出现在 there is/are结构中:There is nothing left in the refrigerator.冰箱中没剩下什么东西。?5)不定代词A. every(每一),no(无),any(若干)及some(一些)可与one,thing构成复合代词,与where构成复合副词。不定代词可作主语、宾语和表语。everynoanysomeeveryoneno oneanyonesomeoneeverybodynobodyanybodysomebodyeverythin


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