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个性化教学辅导教案 学 科: 英语 任课教师:莫老师 授课时间: 2014 年 4月 5日 (星期六 ) 姓名 年级 八 性别 女 课题 Unit3知识点讲解、Unit2单元检测题 总课时____ 第 _ 5 课 教学 目标 1)学习掌握重点句型Unit2 单元检测题1)运用重点句型2)教学难点:第一课时: STEP1: nit2课后单词 STEP2: A: What chores can we do every day? We Love our parents. B: We can… every day. We should help them do the chores. do the dishes fold the clothes water the plant make the bed 洗餐具 叠衣服 浇花 整理床铺 sweep the floor wash the car take out the rubbish clean the living room 扫地 洗车 扔垃圾 打扫客厅 (二) Make polite requests 礼貌提出请求 A: Could you please...... ? B: Yes, sure./All right./No problem./ Certainly. Sorry, I can’t. I have to do...... Sorry, I can’t. I am doing...... take out the rubbish do chores do the dishes sweep the floor make dinner wash the car make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room STEP3:课文重难点讲解与扩展Peter , could you please take out the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗? 【解析】take out 取出(v+ adv) 【注】: 跟代词做宾语,代词放中间;跟名词做宾语,可放在中间,也可放在后边 ( )His teeth hurt badly. The dentist ______. A .take out it B. take out them C. take it out D .take them out Could I at least finish watching this show? 至少让我看完这个节目可以吗? 【解析1】Could I do a sth? 我可以做......吗?用于表达请求,语气比较委婉。 【解析2】at least 至少,多指数量或程度上的最低限度。 【2012江苏南通4】Now all of us exercise at ___ least ____ hour a day and outside school. A. the; a B.a; an C.不填;a D.不填;an 【解析3】finish v 结束;完成 finish doing sth 做完某事 【2013四川雅安4】8. — Can you finish ____ these books before 10 oclock? — Yes, I can. A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading 3. The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over . 我刚坐在电视机前面,我妈妈就过来了。 【解析1】the minute = as soon as “一...... 就......” Please write to me the minut


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