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Abel Magwitch is a fictional character from Charles Dickens’ novel Great Expectations.Early LifeIn the story, Magwitch doesn’t know where or when he was born. However, Pip estimates him to be around 60 when they meet in around 1829, which would place his date of birth at about 1769.His first memory was stealing turnips in Essex for a living, having been abandoned by a tinker. Magwitch had been imprisoned since his early childhood, never given the chance to lead an honest life. Prison visitors were told he was a hardened one; they pitied him and they measured my head – they had better measured my stomach – and others on ‘em giv me tracks what I couldn’t read, and made me speeches what I couldn’t unnerstand. Magwitch worked in every honest job he could find. He was taught to read and write by a deserting soldier and a travelling giant.Adult LifeAround 1805, Magwitch met a man by the name of Compeyson at the Epsom Races. Compeyson had been brought up in a boarding school and was a good-looking and set up gentleman. He is a proficient con-man and uses his upbringing as an asset in their partnership by swindling, forging and passing stolen banknotes. Compeyson had a partner called Arthur, with whom, he had been in a bad thing with a rich lady some years afore and they’d made a pot of money by it. Arthur goes insane, driven to madness by the remembrance of this story, always seeing the rich lady coming to kill him. He eventually dies, but Compeyson doesn’t show any regret. Magwitch said in the story that he should have taken Arthur as a warning.Magwitch married a woman named Molly and was married to her for about five years. Molly was tried for the murder of a rival for Magwitchs affections (an older, stronger woman). Mr. Jaggers, Mollys attorney, managed to persuade the jury that she was too weak to have strangled the woman. Jaggers did well, Molly was acquitted and became (unknown to Magwitch) Jaggers’ maidservant. Molly had given birth to Magwitchs female child who was


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