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汉语词语的英译 汉译英的质量高低,首先取决于译词的质量过不过关。译词是翻译过程的基础。只有把译词的基础打牢了,才有可能追求句子翻译的语篇修整的技巧,才有可能保证翻译的整体质量。下面从四个方面进行探讨。 汉语词语的特点及英译对策 汉语有许多词语重意合,语义浓缩(semantic condensation),其外形不完整,其含义靠人们的语言习得去感悟,“Actions speak louder than words” may be an overworn phrase, but it’s still true. // “老掉了牙”是个浓缩的意合词,译时必须把其含义(phrase)译出,并使其外形完整。 这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。This workshop processes raw materials on client’s demand and processes according to investor’s samples as well. // “来料加工”、“来样加工”都是浓缩的意合句,应译出其完整的含义。 我们每年在10月的最后一个星期日“倒退”一小时以恢复标准时间。然后在4月的最后一个星期日我们要“跃进”一小时,将钟表重新调整到夏时制。We fall back one hour to resume standard time on the last Sunday of every October. Then we spring forward and reset our clocks to daylight saving time on the last Sunday of April. //“夏时制”内含“时间”的概念,译时应补上。 你怎么学得这样下流?Where did you learn these low-class ways? //“学得这样下流”内含“学了这些下流的习惯(习气、作风)”的意思,译时必须把原意吃透。 然而,50年的成就虽大,巨大的发展挑战依然存在。世界上还有10亿以上的人口处于赤贫境地,每天靠着不足一美元,为维持生存而挣扎。这项挑战与每个国家息息相关。提高较贫穷国家的生活水平,促进其经济增长和发展,不仅有利于较贫穷国家,也增加了较富裕国家的贸易、就业和收入。And yet, despite the successes of the past 50 years, a massive development challenge remains. Over 1 billion people still live in dire poverty, struggling to survive on a dollar a day or less. Every nation has a huge stake in meeting this challenge. Raising living standard and promoting growth and development in the world’s poorer countries not only help them but also expand trade, jobs and incomes in the richer counties. //在“这项挑战与每个国家息息相关”这一句中,实际内含“迎接”两个字,即“迎接这一挑战与每一个国家息息相关”。译成英语时如果不加词,逻辑上说不通。 这架飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。What a heavy load this airplane bore! It carried the expectation of the people of the liberated areas, the hopes of the entire Chinese people, and the destiny of our country. //“该有多大的重量啊!”不是指飞机本身的重量,而是指飞机上乘客所具有的份量。这里的重量是个意合词。 大家见面,招呼声“吃了吗?”透着和气。When people meet, they pass the time of the day with each other, just to show their good neighborly feelings. 我银行里为你挂个名,你白天去走走,晚上教教我儿子,一面找机会,好不好?I’ll put you on the payroll at the bank. You can drop in during the day and in the evening tuto


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