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智能双数显调节仪 摘 要 本系统采用PID算法,单片机控制,能达到较好的控制状态,应用范围广。通过按键设定要加热到的温度,报警温度值,PID算法参数的设定;实时采样实际温度,与设定值比较,判断是否报警,并通过PID控制算法进行闭环控制达到设定的温度值。 系统设计分为硬件和软件部分;微处理器为带有 Flash Memory的89c51且采用PID控制算法;整个硬件为温度信号检测电路,A/D转换电路,微机控制器,I/O扩展口,驱动电路,显示接口等电路构成的一个闭环系统;通过热电偶把温度信号转换为电压信号经放大电路的到A/D所要求的电压,通过A/D将模拟信号转换为数字信号,软件来产生PWM波形来控制继电器的导通和断开对电热丝进行实时控制;8块显示器用作对实际文德的显示 设定温度 PID参数 报警值的改变和实名的显示。通过2S采样周期对信号进行采样,采用了三个中断子程序来实现A/D转换,A/D转换值的读取以及PWM波形控制。 关键词: 单片机; PID; 温度控制 Control system of the single-chip computer The intellectual even numbers regulate the appearance apparently Abstract This system adopts PID algorithm, the one-chip computer controls , can reach better state of a control, the range of application is wide. Establish the temperature value heated, the settlement of warning value and PID algorithm parameter through the button ; Sample actual temperature in real time ,compare with person who establish ,judge whether to report to the police or not, control through PID algorithm is it close ring control temperature value set for to reach to go on. The system is designed and divided into a hardware and software part: The microprocessor and adopts PID to control algorithms for 89C51 with Flash Memory; The whole hardware measures the circuit for the temperature signal, A/D changes the circuit, the little controller, I/O expand month, urge circuit, show interface wait for one that circuit commit close ring system; Chang through electric thermocouple temperature signal into voltage signal amplify into to reach A/D voltage required circuit, with pass A/D change the analog signal into the digital signal, software is it produce PWM wave form come control relay lead herent and disconnection go on real-time control to the heating wire to come; 8 display is it oppose actual display, settlement temperature, PID parameter, warning change and display of their person of value of temperature to spend. Is it sample to go


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