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郑州交通职业学院 毕 业 论 文 论文题目:浅谈现代汽车的安全技术 所属系别 车辆工程系 专业班级 焊接技术及自动化1班 姓  名 石兵辉 电 话 撰写日期 2013 年 04 月 摘 要 随着社会的进步,人们生活水平日益提高。而汽车作为人类的代步工具也随着人类对物质的追求和第三次工业革命的浪潮发生了巨大的变化,本文从汽车主动安全技术和被动安全技术论述了汽车这些年的变化,文章从主动安全技术中防抱死制动系统(ABS),电子制动力分配系(EBD),电子稳定程序(ESP),巡航系统(ACC),盲点检测系统(BSD),紧急刹车辅助系统(EBA),车道偏离预警系统(LDWS),倒车警告、、 关键词:汽车,主动安全,被动安全,装置,安全技术 Abstract With the progress of the society, people life level is increasing day by day. And car transport as humans as humans pursuit of material and the third wave of the industrial revolution, great changes have taken place, this article from the automobile active safety technology and passive safety technology discussed the auto change over the years, the article from the active safety technology in the anti-lock braking system (ABS), electronic brake-force distribution (EBD), electronic stability program (ESP), cruise control (ACC), blind spot detection (BSD) system, emergency brake assist system (EBA), lane departure warning system (LDWS), reversing warning, reversing car video, car camera, satellite navigation and control system. Integrity and passive safety technology including a storehouse and energy absorption device design, modern seat belt, airbag device, and the childrens safety, etc. Points out the importance of automotive safety. Auto safety color at the same time also to a large extent, affect the safety of the car, people should choose their favorite and want to consider the safety of the car, let oneself buy comfortable rest assured. Keywords: automobile, active safety, passive safety, device 目 录 1引言 1 2主动安全技术 1 2.1刹车系统 1 2.1.1盘式制动器 1 2.1.2 ABS、BAS、EBS和ASR 1 2.1.3电子制动力分配系统(EBD) 2 2.1.4电子稳定程序(ESP) 2 2.2巡航系统(ACC) 3 2.3盲点检测系统(BSD) 3 2.4紧急刹车辅助系统(EBA) 3 2.5 车道偏离预警系统(LDWS) 3 2.6倒车警告、倒车影像、车外摄像头 4 3被动安全技术 4 3.1乘坐仓的设计 4 3.2安全带 5 3.3安全气囊 5 4其他汽车安全技术 6 4.1儿童安全技术 6 4.2汽车安全色 6 5总结 7 参考文献 8 致 谢 9 1引言 交通安全历来是人们最为关心的问题之一,它直接关系到人民生命和财产的损失。汽车发展的历史同时也是汽车安全性能不断提高的历史。目前,世界各国都在努


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