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读后感 How To Live On 24 Hours A Day

《How To Live On 24 Hours A Day》 读后感 随着时代的发展,社会的进步,越来越多的人希望自己的每一天都过得充实有意义,可是很少有仆人能过的每一天都充实。近期读了一本有关如何掌控一天24小时的书得到很多启发。 这是一本影响了英国首相温斯顿.丘吉尔先生一生的时间管理励志书。这本书出版后受到许多人士及杂志的好评。《纽约时报》对他的评价只有六个字“直接、生动、深刻”。书的作者是英国的Arnold Bennett(阿诺德.贝内特)是一位时间管理专家。叫你在你健康不付出代价的前提下有效的完成工作,让自己更有活力的面对工作和生活的细节,如何通过实践的跟配让轻松和愉悦取代烦恼和紧张。 这本书共十二章: 第一张:每日皆奇迹。For remark! No one can take it from you . It is unstealable .And no one receives either more or less than you receive. 第二章:超越常规的渴望。We are obliged, by various codes uritten and unwritten ,to maintain ourselves and our families (if any )in health and comfort ,to pay our debts, to save , to increase our prosperity by increasing our efficiency .A task sufficiently difficult !A task which very few of us achieve ! A task often beyond our skill ! 第三章:着手之前的准备。The most important preliminary to the task of arranging one’s life so that one may live fully and comfortably hours is the calm realization of the sacrifices and the cndless effort which it demands. 第四章:烦恼的原因。If a man makes two-thirds of his existence to one-thirds , for which admittedly he has no absolutely feverish zest , how can he hope to live fully and completely ? He cannot . 第五章:网球与不朽的精神。At the start ,those ninety nocturnal minutes thrice a week must be the most important minutes in the ten thousand and eighty. They must be sacred , quite as sacred as a dramatic rehearsal or a tennis match .() 第六章:牢记人类的天性。Habits are the vary dickens to change ! Further , any change , even a change for the better , is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. 第七章:主宰自己的思想。And without the power to concentrate ,that is to say ,without the power rodictate to thebtain is rask and to ensure obedience ,true life is impossible mind control is life first element of a full existence. 第八章:沉思的精神。A life in which conduct does not fairly well accord with principles is a silly life ;and that conduct can only be made to accord with principles by means of daily examination , reflection and resolution . 第九章:对艺术的兴趣。Man


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