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1.Salt? We do not know when men fisrt began to use salt. But we do know that it has been used in many different ways through old history. Historical evident shows, for example, that people who lived over 3000 years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to preserve the dead. Stealing salt was considered a major crime during some periods of history. In 18th century for instance, if a person was account stealing salt, he can be put in jail. History records that about 10,000 people were put in jail during that century for stealing salt. About 150 years before, in the year 1553, taking more salt than one was allowed to was punishable as a crime, the offenders ear was cut off. Salt was an important item on the table of royalty. It was traditionaly placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. Important guests at the kings table will sit near the salt. Less important guest will be given a seat farther away from it.? 2.Perceptions? Ask three people to look out of the same window at a busy street and tell you what they see. Probably, you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same thing, but each perceive something different about it. Perceiving goes in our minds. After three peole who look out of the window. One may say that he sees a policeman giving a driver a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the street corner. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with 4 children. For perception, is the minds interpretation, of what the senses in this case our eyes tell us. Many psychologists today are working to try to explain just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific method, the psychologists set up experiments. They are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same thing.? 3.Balloons? Balloons have been used for sport for about 100 years. There are two kinds of sport balloons


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