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My way or the highway要么听我的,要么就消失!Come on,cut it out!别闹了;省省吧;够了You said we were through.你说我们玩完了!(美剧当中,一段感情结束时,还可以说 We are so over; We are history;I am so over you;You are history”)To paint the town red?尽情享受。To drive sb up the wall让某人生气,头疼(eg:The boy is driving his mother up the wall because of his ill behavior。这个不听话的孩子让他的妈妈大为头疼)To keep one’s nose clean远离是非,少惹麻烦(eg:The newly released inmates are trying to keep their noses clean。刚刚释放的犯人们总是尽量的少惹是非。)To play cat and mouse欲擒故纵。(eg:The police have played cat and mouse with the murderer。警察采用欲擒故众的方式抓捕这个谋杀犯。)To have irons in the fire同时有许多事情要完成,忙的不可开交.(eg:Don’t bother him because he has many irons in the fire。别打扰他, 他事情太多,忙的很!)To let off steam发泄,出气。(eg:My?wife needs to let?off some steam?after looking after the kids all day.我的太太在照看了一天孩子们之后,需要发泄。)Easy does it= take it easy别着急,慢慢来My hands are tied.=I’m very busy.我很忙Can you be more specific??你能更明确些吗?Ill make it up to you我会补偿你的I‘ll walk you home我(走路)送你回家Ill drive you home.我(开车)送你回家Shes cute as hell她可爱得一塌糊涂Get off my back!别烦我Sorry to bother you抱歉打扰你It hurts like hell疼死啦Dont underestimate me.别小看我;别低估我I’m terribly/ really/ awfully/ extremely sorry!真的是太抱歉了!Youve got to do something你一定得想想办法啊I‘ve heard so much about you!久仰大名!Money will come and ?go!钱乃身外之物Are you doing anything tonight?你今晚有空吗?What are you in the mood for?你想吃点什么?Its my treat我请客Whos gonna drive?一会儿谁开车?I‘m running late!我要迟到了Let me out here让我在这儿下车I do not want to be the third wheel.我不想当电灯泡。I am sorry to turn you down.对不起,我得拒绝你了。All things ought to be rolling at 4:30.所有的事情都要在四点半开始做。I came up with a good idea.我有个好主意。The rain is coming down.雨开始下了。We had a downpour.我们遇到了倾盆大雨。Its really coming down out there.外边下着好大的雨。It is just sprinkling.只是毛毛雨啦。It is black tie.这是个正式场合。Ill call on you next sunday.我下个星期天去看你。That is a rip-off.太黑了,简直是宰人啊。Beats me.问倒我了。SHIT1它既可以表示可怕的、极讨厌的,也可以表示极好的▼“That movie was shit!”“那部电影是烂片!”“That movie was the shit!”“那部电影非常棒。”注意:当“shit”前面加了“the”时,它就表示真的很好,好中之好。注意“the shit”中特别强调THE。2表示处于非常糟糕的境地▼“That sounds horribl


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