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绝密★启用前 2016年度CCTV“希望之星”英语风采大赛A组试题 (总分:100分??时间:100分钟) 注意事项:1.本组试卷共11页,用钢笔或者圆珠笔将答案填写在卷子的答题区。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 答题区 1 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ 9____ 10___ 11___ 12___ 13___ 14___ 15___ 16___ 17___ 18___ 19___ 20___ 21___ 22___ 23___ 24___ 25___ 26___ 27___ 28___ 29___ 30___ 31___ 32___ 33___ 34___ 35___ 36___ 37___ 38___ 39___ 40___ 41___ 42___ 43___ 44___ 45___ 46___ 47___ 48___ 49___ 50___ 51__ 52__ 53__ 54__ 55__ 56___ 57____ 58____ 59____ 60___ 61___ 62___ 63___ 64___ 65___ 66___ 67___ 68___ 69___ 70___ 71___ 72___ 73___ 74___ 75___ 76___ 77___ 78___ 79___ 80___ Ⅰ.看图选择正确的单词从A,B,C三个选项中选出下列各题的最佳答案(共5题,记5分) 1.key ??? 3.chair 4.bird 5.bus Ⅱ.选出不同类的单词并圈上(共16题,记16分) 6. A. apple B. ant C. bird 7. A. dog B. pig C. duck 8. A. egg B. frog C. elephant 9. A frog B. sheep C. fish 10. A. goose B. hippo C. horse 11. A. igloo B. ice cream C. lollypop 12. A. ladybug B. lollypop C. igloo 13. A. moon B. monkey C .nurse 14. A. octopus B. orange C. spider 15. A. spider B. snake C. key 16. A. key B. tiger C. top 17. A. umbrella B. up C. pig 18. A. van B. ant C. vest 19. A wale B. walk C. van 20. A. ox B. box C. walk 21. A. box B. yoyo C. yellow 22. A. zigzag B. zipper C. fox Ⅲ.在横线上填上合适的字母(共5题,记5分) 23.—atch A. v B. w C. u 24._ar A. a B. b C. c 25._ar A. r B. s C. t 26._ineapple A. o B. q C. p 27._ear A. a B. b C. c Ⅳ.选出与图片相符的句子(共5题,记5分) 28.Let’s go to the school.( ) 29.The tea is too hot. I can’t drink.( ) 30.There is a computer on my desk.( ) 31.Today I have a glass of milk and two egg.( ) 32.I can dance very well.( ) A. B. C. D. E. Ⅴ.选词填空(共13题,13分) My name is John. I am _33_ years old. I have a brother., Mike. We often get -34- at seven o’clock. and _35_ to school _36_ bus. Every _37_ ,we help our mother to do the hou


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