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Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations一、填空 business negotiate expand step establish relations A letter to business is a piece of writing to find and with a new partner. It is the first for a company to its business. (A letter to establish business relations is a piece of writing to find and negotiate with a new business partner. It is the first step for a company to expand its business.)二、连线搭配quotation/make offers 1、交易会enclose 2、出口商extend 3、附上exporter 4、扩展fair 5、报价( 53421) 三、汉译英1. 我们从驻伦敦的商务参赞处得知,你公司有兴趣与我们进行交易。Weve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.2. 为了使你们对我们可供出口的各类纺织品有一个总的概念,随信寄上样本和价格单各一份,供你们查阅。To give you a general idea of our various kinds of Textiles available for export, we are enclosing a samples book and a price list for your reference.3.?本地的中国银行国外部推荐你公司有兴趣与一家中国公司建立贸易关系,以推销你们的轻工业产品。?On the recommendation of the Overseas Office of the local China bank we have learned that you are interested in establishing business relations with a Chinese firm so as to sell the light industrial products.4. 搪瓷器皿出口业务属于我公司经营范围。Enamel wares exports are with our business scope.5. 我们希望你方尽最大努力既促进业务又增进友谊。 We hope you will do your utmost to promote trade as well as friendship.Unit 4 Enquiry and Reply 一、连线搭配A. make sb. an enquiry for sth.4 1. 一批……存货B. a stock of sth.1 2. 在……的行业中C. have sth. in stock5 3. 向……报……的价格 D. be out of stock9 4.询购某物E. assure sb. of sth.7 5.有……现货F. quote sb. a price for sth.3 6.在市场上寻购某物,拟购G. enquire for sth.8 7. 向……保证……H. make sb. a quotation for sth.10 8. 向某人询购某货I. be in the market for sth.6 9.无货,缺货J. in the line of2 10.向某人报盘二、介词填空(1) Some customers from Africa are ( ) the market ( ) bath towels, which are available for supply by our corporation ( ) present.(2) Please quote us your lowest prices ( ) the following item:(3) Please let us have your offer ( ) 50 metric tons ( ) g


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