航材腐蚀AMC review Test(CAFUC).docx

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航材腐蚀AMC review Test(CAFUC)

Choose the correct answer1\A field that deals with developing,preparing,modifying and applying materials or a specific need.(B)Engineering Materials TechnologyMaterials EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterials Science And Engineering2\Which of the following is the type of bond holding Na and Cl ions in NaCl?(A)Ionic bond(离子键)Covalent bond(共价键)Hydrogen bond(氢键)Metallic bond(金属键)3\What factor in materials selection usually dominates the final choice?(D)Recyclability(回收利用)Cost(费用)Processibility(制作工艺)Properties of materials(材料的性能)4\The common method to strengthen an aluminum alloy is______.(D)solution heat treatmentageing strengtheningWater TougheningSolution heat treatment plus ageing strengthening(时效强化)5\which steel has the highest oil quenching critical diameter Dc value?(D)A)40#B)01Cr18Ni9TiC)20#D)40Cr(含铬越多猝火后强度越高)6\The Es line in the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram is also called as______.(B)A3 Line(ES:Acm)Acm Line(GS:A3)Eutectic Line(PSK:A1)Eutectiod Line7\The content of pearlite(珠光体) in 20# steel is about______.(B)A)10%B)25%C)35%D)50%8\Along and a short sample was prepared from one kind of steel.It can be obtained that the elongation percentage of the two samples are 28% and 35%,respectively,so_____.(D)the short one has better plasticitytheir plasticity can not be comparedthe long one has better plasticitythe Two samples have same plasticity9\The heating temperature of carbon steel is basically according to______.(C)A) C curveB) CCT curve of the steelC) Fe-Fe3C phase diagramD) Ms curve of the steel10\Heat the hypoeutectoid(亚共析钢) steel up to certain temperature between Ac1~Ac3,the structure(组织) after a water-cooling treatment is______.(B)Martensite+ pearlite(珠光体)Martensite + ferrite(铁素体)Ferrite + residual austenite(残留奥氏体)Ferrite + cementite(Fe3C)11\The tempering treatment(回火) of steel is often______.(B)after annealing treatment(退火)after quenching treatment(猝火)after normalizing treatment(正火)carried out alone12\The dislocation(位错) in crystalline belongs to______.(C)point defe


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