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试题1 (2000年14) 从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中{ }内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 Network managers have long { A } practical voice-over-IP(VOIP) solutions. VOIP{ B } ease network management and decreases costs by converging at a companys telephony and data infrastructures into one network. And a VOIP solution implemented at a companys headquarters with far-reaching branch offices can { C }tremendous amounts of { D } in long distance phone bill, provided that solution delivers POTS-like voice { E } over the Internet. 供选择的答案 A:①await ②awaited ③awaiting ④awaits B:promise ②promised ③promises ④promising C:get ②put ③save ④waste D:cash ②money ③space ④time E:frequency ②length ③quality ④quantity 【解析】 A处考查语法,这里是现在完成时,动词形式是过去分词,应选择awaited。 B处也是个语法问题,这里是一般现在时,主语是单数形式,因而谓语动词的形式也是单数,应选择promises。 C处从语义上看是节省的意思,只有save一次符合要求。 D处指费用、金钱,只有money一词适合。 E处指语音质量,应选择quality。 参考译文:网络管理员一直期待着实用的VOIP(IP话音业务)解决方案。通过将公司的电话和数据基础设施集成于同一网络,VOIP简化网络管理,降低成本。如果VOIP解决方案通过因特网提供类似POTS的声音质量,将其用于拥有无程分支机构的公司总部,可节省大量的长途话费。 【答案】A: B: C: D: E: 试题21 (1990年试题11) 将下列英语译成中文(只可使用): Programming languages Ten years ago the proliferation of programming languages caused many people to foresee the development of a computer-age babel where, in total ignorance of every other language, each programmer would learn only his own chosen language. That unhappy situaton has not occurred for several reasons. First, effective efforts have been made to standardize particular languages such as Fortran and Cobol. It should be pointed out that pragmatic rather than scientific considerations motivated this standardization movement. However, the second reason that Babel has been averted is that computer scientists have begun to apply the scientific method to organize the classification, comparison, and appreciation of various programming languages. Due to the efforts of McCarthy(1962), Landin(1964), Strachey(1996), Wegner(1968), and others who provided insight into operational models of computation. We can now evaluate programming langua


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