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第五章.文稿格式 在英语应试作文中要想拿高分,除了保证遣词、造句、内容组织等正确外,还要避免文章格式方面的“硬伤”,因为这种错误最为明显,最易失分。 5.1 文章的整体布局 页边距:要保证作文整体效果美观整洁,就要“留天留地”,也就是说写作内容距离作文纸顶端两厘米,左、右、底部各一厘米处,效果最佳。 题目的位置:题目一般都在第一行居中,首尾单词首字母大写,其他单词(包括合成词中连字符后面的单词)的首字母(除冠词、连词和短小的介词、不定式to外)也一律大写。题目中不能使用句号;可以使用引号标注引文或文章的标题,也可使用下划线标注著作名称;如题目本身是一个直接问句,则使用问号,如是间接问句,则不使用问号,如: An Announcement for a Voluntary Program A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? Why I Take the College English Test Band 6 3. 段落格式:每段第一行向里缩进四到五个字母;每行不能以逗号、句号、分号、冒号、问号、连字符或感叹号等标点符号开头,不能以半个成对标点(如括号、引号)结束。如下文所示: The Harm of PC Games If you ask college students about their hobbies, most of them will answer without hesitation, “PC games”. Nowadays staying up playing PC games has become a prevalent phenomenon among youngsters. However, very few people will deny its side-effects. To begin with, it will harm the physical health of the player. Many PC game addicts sit for hours or even days before the computer, doing nothing or even eating nothing. In the long run, their health will collapse and have no strength and energy to live as a normal person. Second, if they indulge themselves in PC games too long, they will become lost and have typical mental problem, IAD (internet addiction disease) by name, which will burden their families or even society. Therefore, despite the entertainment brought by PC games, a sensible attitude is called for to strike a balance between games and life. After all, a successful student is a successful time-manager. 4.应用文格式 四六级考试中应用文格式需要特别注意的体裁是英文信件,其主要格式包括以下几部分: 1.日期的位置在右上角或左上角,正确写法为以下几种: 9th May, 2004 May 9, 2004 9/5/2004 5/9/2004 2.称呼的位置在日期下面一行的左侧,正确写法为: Dear Professor Wang, Respected Professor Wang, 3.结尾的位置在便条结尾的右或左下方,正确写法为: Yours sincerely, Sally Yours truly, Sally


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