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赖斯是当选总统乔治.布什挑中的国家安全委员会负责人人选。她超出人们预料这恐怕既不是第一次,也不会是最后 0 不一般的女人:第66任美国国务卿-赖斯 The Moscow News wasnt sure what to make Condoleezza Rice when the 34-year-old Stanford University professor came to town in 1988 to inaugurate1 a series of seminars2 at the U.S. ambassadors3 residence. She spoke of arms control policy and of a coming summit4 with the United States, but the writer could not quite get past the notion5 of a young black woman as an expert on Soviet affairs. 1988年,34岁的斯坦福大学教授康多莉扎.赖斯来到莫斯科主持召开在美国大使官邸举行的系列研讨会时,《莫斯科新闻》还不知道她是何许人也。她谈到了军备控制政策和即将召开的美俄首脑会晤,但是笔者实在不明白一名年轻的黑人妇女是怎样成为一位苏联问题专家的。 “ The men... couldnt help wondering: ‘ She should be busy cooking and driving her admirers mad. But instead she aptly6 juggles7 numbers of missiles and tanks, names of marshals8 and dates of summits,’ ” the paper wrote. 这家报纸写道:“男人们……都不免奇怪:‘她应该忙于烧火做饭和使得她的爱慕者们发疯。但是她却能敏捷地从口中蹦出导弹和坦克的数目、元帅们的姓名和许多次首脑会谈的日期。’” It would be neither the first nor the last time that Rice, President-elect George W. Bushs choice to head the National Security Council, would exceed expectations.“ Ive seen it happen time and time again,” said Michael McFaul, a Democrat who advised Al Gores campaign but is close to Rice. “ Foreign policy is dominated by bald9, graying white men and theyre not used to someone like Condi Rice.” 赖斯是当选总统乔治.布什挑中的国家安全委员会负责人人选。她超出人们预料这恐怕既不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。一位曾担任戈尔阵营顾问但现在接近赖斯的民主党人迈克尔.麦克福尔说:“这种情况我已屡见不鲜了。外交政策一向由秃顶的、老成的白人所把持,他们是容不下像康迪.赖斯这样的人的。” Indeed, Rice, 46, bears little outward10 resemblance11 to Henry Kissinger, the quintessential national security adviser, but friends and colleagues say she is among of the smartest, most articulate12 and charming people they know.A steely13 manager, she also is a concert pianist and maniacal14 sports fan, half-joking that the only job she would rather have is commissioner of the National Football League. 确实,现年46岁的赖斯,外表与美国最完美的国家安全顾问亨利.基辛格没有多少相似之处,但是朋友和同事们说,赖斯是他们所认识的头脑最精明、口齿最清楚和风度最迷人的人物之一。她是一个铁石心肠的管理者,但也是一个音乐会上的钢琴演奏者和狂热的体育运动爱好者,她还半开玩笑地说,她应该担任的惟一职务是全国橄榄球联盟主席。 Philos


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