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雅思写作句式 I -6.2

雅思写作句式June 2, 2011 In spite of this, the importance of literacy for youngsters cannot be denied. 中文翻译:即使如此,读写能力对年轻人的重要性也不该被忽略。 On a daily basis, we witness how the Internet transforms our life. 每天,我们都会目睹因特网在如何改变着我们的生活。 It is an inescapable fact that manufacturing is a main contributor to economies. 制造业对各个经济体都做出了重要贡献,这是无法回避的现实。 The elderly invariably adhere to conservatism. 老年人总是一成不变地坚持保守主义(思想). People somewhat feel ambivalent about multiculturalism. 人们总对多元文化融合(论)感到矛盾(又爱又恨)。 The inadequate expendture on environmental protection has been counteracted by worse pollution. 环保方面的微量投入已经被日益严重的污染抵消掉了。 Overseas students adaptability and resilience are usually admirable. 留学生们的适应力与坚韧精神通常很令人钦佩。 The study of outer space is not without its difficulties. 对外太空的研究并非轻而易举。 The importance of industrialization may be overstated. 工业化的重要性也许被夸大了。 Antisocial behaviours can cause ripple effects. 反社会行为会造成连锁反应。 The trend is undermining the economy of several countries. 这种趋势正在削弱各国的经济。 On the whole, the viewpoint is uncalled-for. 从总体说来,这种看法是不合时宜的(不恰当的)。 The young rebel against traditions subliminally. 年轻人会下意识的反叛传统。 The charm of nature is abiding. 自然的魅力是恒久的。 Nuclear families can bridge generation gaps better than extended ones (can). 小家庭可以比大家庭更好的解决代沟。 Several factors combined to bring about the phenomenon. 几个因素综合在一起导致了此种现象。 The young commonly have a fetish about luxuries. 年轻人们通常会迷恋奢侈品。 It is humanly possible to develop renewable energy. 发展可循环能源是人力所及的事情。 Mass media are likely to impinge on public opinions. 大众媒体有可能影响公众舆论。 In general terms, the young tend to subvert traditions. 从总体而言,年轻人倾向于颠覆传统。 It weakens governments ability to pay for other public services. 这会削弱政府在其它公共服务方面的支付能力。 It is fair to say that the young are more susceptible to their companions. 恰当的说法是年轻人更易受到其同伴的影响。 The going rate for public transportation will be higher after fuel price rises. 在燃油价格上涨后,现行公交价格会变得更高。 The social crisis has been beyond remedy. 此次社会危机已经无法补救了。 The administration is on a tight budget now. 该届政府当前财政紧张。 Local authori


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