英语复习:高二上Unit 1-Unit 2(精简).doc

英语复习:高二上Unit 1-Unit 2(精简).doc

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英语复习:高二上Unit 1-Unit 2(精简)

高中第二册(上)Unit 1-Unit 2 知识梳理 Ⅰ.网络构建 词汇 单词 *undertake *obvious within agriculture *gravity curious branch *debate promising graduate incurable *engage research *wheelchair *theory disable seek misunderstand scientific *observe observation match unhappiness *microscope *telescope heaven *intelligent patient experiment *media *reliable *editor reason *elect *injure *headline informed inform relate *talent *talented *switch present effort spiritual seldom social attention *critical *source affair telegram *locate *retire complete *overseas *bore *attitude disappoint guard *responsible *troublemaker *caring citizen polluter arm comparison 词组 work on go by *be /get engaged to sb. go on with dream of turn out use up be satisfied with take a look at what if the other way around go up burn down relate(...)to for once even if draw attention to on all sides change one’s mind current affairs look up to fall in love with... 语法 动词不定式 过去分词 Ⅱ.重点精讲 ●重点单词 1.promise 例句集锦 n. (1)I gave her my promise and I will keep it. 我答应了她就会遵守诺言。 I am under no promise to help him. 我没有允诺要帮助他。 He made a promise that he would give up smoking. 他许下诺言要戒烟。 (2)He showed considerable promise as a tennis player. 他显示相当有希望成为网球选手。 The weather gave promise of warmth. 天气有希望变暖和。 v. (1)She promised me her help. 她答应给我帮助。 She promised not to tell anyone. 她答应不告诉任何人。 I promised him to be there at noon. 我答应他中午到达那里。 They promised(us)that the work should be done next week. 他们答应(我们)那件工作在下星期做好。 (2)The clear sky promises fine weather. 无云的天空预示着晴天。 His childhood did not seem to promise much. 他的童年时代似乎并未显出有多大前途。 It promises to be fine tomorrow. 明天可望天晴。 (3)I can’t promise,but I’ll do my best. 我无法答应,不过我会尽力而为。 —Alice is not coming tonight. 爱丽丝今晚不来。 —But she promised!但她答应了! (4)She promises well as a singer. 她很有希望当歌星。 (5)Jack is a promising youth. 杰克是有前途的青年。 The weather is promising. 天气可望转好。 用法归纳 *promise 可用作名词和动词。主要义项有:诺言;约定;前途;希望;答应;允诺;有(……


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