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Table of Contents Acknowledgements i 摘 要 ii Abstract ii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Introduction of the Novel and Deniel Defoe 2 1.3 Literature Review 4 2 The Analysis of Moll Flanders’ Attitudes Towards Marriage 6 2.1 Marriage as the Result and Extension of True Love 6 2.2 Marriage as the Way to Preserve True Love 7 2.3 Marriage as an Investment for Economic Independence 7 2.4 Marriage as a Worthless Thing in the Life 9 3 Defoe’s Realistic Thoughts in Moll’s Marriage 10 3.1 Defoe’s Realistic Writing Purpose 10 3.2 Writing Background-The Roots of Moll Flanders’ Tragic Marriage 10 3.2.1 The Aspiration for Dignity and Independence 10 3.2.2 The Significance of Money 11 3.2.3 The Patriarchic Society 11 4 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 15 Acknowledgements I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to many people for their help in my academic studies over the past years. First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Liu Chang, for her kindness, patience, encouragement and excellent guidance in my studies at Agricultural University of Hebei. Without her inspiration, sharp comments, criticism and great help in various ways, this paper would have never been possible. I am also very grateful to my colleagues and roommates for their suggestions on the framework and support in time so that I can finish this research. Last but not least, my friend, Chen Lei, has shown her unremitting support and encouragement over the weeks by sharing so many materials. To her, I owe a special gratitude. Zhen Caifeng May 20, 2012 【摘 要】本文主要从现实主义的角度分析了《摩尔·弗兰德斯》中主人公摩尔的婚姻。文章从摩尔·弗兰德斯的婚姻经历出发,来具体分析她一生在不同的阶段对婚姻的态度,从相信真爱到把婚姻作为投资和工具,最终因为它毫无用途而放弃,以及造成她婚姻悲剧的社会根源——文艺复兴,拜金主义,父权社会。通过本次研究,我们可以加深对主人公的现实主义婚姻态度以及其作者丹尼尔·笛福的创作意图及背景的理解,对笛福的现实主义研究也有一定意义。 【关键词】 摩尔弗兰德斯; 婚姻; 现实主义; 笛福 【Abstract】 The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the marriage of Moll who is the heroine of Moll Flanders from the perspective of realism. Based on Moll’s marriage experience, this p


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