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高级英语第二期翻译练习参考译文 One From here, the train is to climb up onto the overpass and wobble its way through this dirty and messy block. Looking downward, in the window of a certain extremely dilapidated building, passengers may see by chance some mysterious-looking Orientals dressed in Japanese-style dark suits practicing karate. Looking further downward, they may spot an old black woman, wearing a dirty flowery skirt, with a big plastic bag in her hands, struggling to catch her breath as she totters along on fat legs swollen with gout. Should a passenger happen to be in a dreamy and imaginative mood, he might think he has blundered into Hollywood where a crime movie is just being photographed. 很多人拥有获得幸福的全部物质条件,即健康的身体和丰足的收入,但他们却非常不快乐。如此说来,错误似乎是出在了生活的理论上。在某种意义上,我们可以说任何关于生活的理论都是不正确的。我们和动物的区别并没有我们想象的那么大。动物是凭本能生活的,只要客观条件有利,它们就会快乐。如果你有一只猫,它只要有东西吃,感到缓和,偶尔晚上有机会去寻欢 ,它就会很快活。你的需要比你的猫要复杂一些,但还是以本能为基础。在文明社会中,特别是在讲英语的社会中,这一点很容易被忘却。人们给自己定下一个最高的目标,对一切不利于实现这一目标的冲动都加以克制。 Two The traditional Chinese cultures, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 year ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the famous term “the masters’ hundred schools”. From Confucius to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are essentially populist and democratic. For example, they lay stress on the importance of kindness and love in human relations. On the interest of the community, on seeking harmony without uniformity and on the idea that the world is for all. 日本一智囊机构指出,到2025年,机器人将填补日本350万个职位空缺,这将有利于缓解该国因人口萎缩而造成的劳动力不足问题。据日本政府估计,随着老龄人口的迅速增加,到2030年,日本劳动力将减少16%,这对一个不习惯也不愿意大规模引入移民的国家来说,情况不禁令人担忧,谁来填补这个劳动力空缺呢? 智囊机构“机器产业纪念基金会”说,机器人可以来帮忙—小到可探测损伤的微型胶囊,大至高科技真空吸尘器。该机构在一份报告中称,让机器人参与人类劳动并不是机器人和人类个体之间一对一的替代,而是让机器人为人们腾


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