2《Desperate Housewives》(绝望主妇)第二季台词.doc

2《Desperate Housewives》(绝望主妇)第二季台词.doc

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2《Desperate Housewives》(绝望主妇)第二季台词

2-02?Control is extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it, some rely on deception, while others engage in outright trickery, then there those who were resort to extortion. Why do we fight so hard for control? Because we know to lose its to put our fate in the hands of others, and what could be more dangerous? 人们为了获得支配权会使用各种策略,有些人靠欺骗,有些人靠哄骗,还有些人诉诸敲诈。为什么我们这么拼命要得到支配权呢?因为我们知道一旦失去它我们就会被别人所掌控,还有什么比这更危险呢? 2-03 Everyone enjoys the game of make-believe now and then, of course the ways in which we play vary greatly, sometimes we tell ourselves work wont interfere with our family life. Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally, we put on a show as if to convince ourselves our secrets are really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself, and if you can get others to believe those lies, you win. 人们都喜欢偶尔自欺欺人一下,当然每个人的方法各不相同。有的人告诉自己不会因家庭耽误了工作;有的人喜欢想象一段比实际更有意义的生活。有时,我们制造假象,说服自己我们的秘密并没有那么糟糕。是的,自欺欺人很容易。由欺骗自己开始,如果别人也相信你的话,恭喜你,你赢了! 2-04? The world is filled with good fathers, how do we recognize them? Theyre the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence; theyre the ones who love us long before weve even arrived; theyre the ones who come looking for us when we cant find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the one who make the women in their lives...feel like good mothers. 世界上到处都有好爸爸,但是怎么辨别他们呢?如果他们不在身边我们会感到伤心欲绝,痛苦无比;他们在我们降生之前就深爱着我们;他们在我们迷路的时候带领我们回家。的确,世界上到处都有好爸爸。不过最好的父亲是那些能让妻子觉得自己是最好的母亲的人。 2-05 Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on, be they faithful friends, determined advocates, or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us... leave, and if that happens, its amazing the length we will go to get them back. 每个人都需要有人依靠,做最忠诚的朋友,做自己的决定激励者,或者组成家庭。但有时我们认为一直会陪伴我们的人――也会离开我们。当这发生的时候把他们找回来的路异常艰难。 2-06 Yes, every little girl dreams of a


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