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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题 目: 电子字典的设计与实现管理系统 学 院: 计算机科学与工程学院 专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2015年5月20日 摘 要 随着经济全球化和信息技术快速发展,以电子计算机为代表的现代科学获得了突飞猛进的发展并迅速和人们的日常生活结合在一起。计算机技术的发展和进步也使电子语言词典的诞生成为可能。虽然只有十来年的历史,电子词典却已经迅速发展壮大,成为词典家族中具有旺盛生命力的一员。尽管目前它尚不足以取代传统词典,但在英语学习和教学中,由于它实用、快捷、准确、经济等特点,已经成为传统英汉词典的有力竞争者,并对传统的词典提出了挑战。 本文主要利用visual studio2010软件和SQL server 2008数据库设计并实现了多功能电子词典系统。概述了该系统开发的背景和开发工具,接着详述了用户的需求分析,明确了系统的功能,最后介绍了系统的总体设计和详细设计,包括系统的总流程、总框架、数据库的设计和其它界面的设计,以及设计中遇到的问题和解决的方案。通过本系统的开发,用户可以很方便的进行查询单词、添加单词、删除单词、编辑单词、浏览单词等操作。 关键词:电子词典,visual studio2010,SQL server 2008 数据库 ABSTRACT With the economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology, represented by the computer in the development of modern science obtained by leaps and bounds and quickly and Peoples Daily life together. Development and progress of computer technology has made possible the birth of the electronic language dictionary. Although only ten years of history, electronic dictionary has developed rapidly, becoming a member of the dictionary in the family has a strong vitality. Although it is still not enough to replace traditional dictionary, but in English learning and teaching, because it was practical, fast, accurate, economic and other characteristic, has a strong contender for the traditional english-chinese dictionary, and proposed the challenge to the traditional dictionary. In this paper, we use visual studio2010 software and SQL server 2008 database multi-functional electronic dictionary system was designed and implemented. Outlined the background and development of the system development tools, and then details the user requirement analysis, made clear the function of the system, finally introduces the overall design of the system and the detailed design, including the system of general process, the gene


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