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九年级 英语 学科 导学案 学案编号: 25 编写人:宋丽娟审核人: 雷权 授课人:宋丽娟 班级: 九.1.3 Unit 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 25: What’s Wrong with Danny? 【学习目标】 知识目标: 1、Mastery words and expressions: fever, hospital, nurse, pain, weak, spirit. 2、Oral words and expressions: Sara, I don’t feel well. / I’m not feeling well. get dressed, get a pain, have a fever. 能力目标:Talk about parts of the bodies and vocabulary related to illness and hospital. 情感目标:Teach you how to see a doctor in foreign countries. 重难点: 1、重点:See a doctor and compound Sentences. 2、难点:Some words and expressions about the illness and seeing a doctor. 学习过程 一、【问题指向,预习先行】 1.预习内容:Review the words of bodies. 2.预习反馈:Dictation the words of bodies. 二、【呈现目标,任务导学】 任务一:Talk about the question: How often are you ill? What is the last time that you are ill? What’s wrong with you? Let the students talk about the questions in groups. Then give a report to the class. They can make up a dialogue in pairs or in three or four. 任务二: 1. Teach the words and the expressions about the illness. have a pain, have a fever, have a headache, stomach, doctor, nurse. 2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: What’s wrong with Danny? Does Danny have to stay in hospital? 三、【互动探究,合作求解】 Read the text and check the answers in listening part. Encourage the students to ask more questions about this part. Such as: When does Danny feel unwell? What does Mr. Dinosaur think of Danny’s illness? Does Danny have a fever? Is the hospital always open? Who is the doctor? What does the doctor say to Danny? Check the answers and give them enough hints to answer the questions. 四、【交流展示,适度拓展】 (小组内选择任务,讨论并进行展示) 任务一:(☆) Act out the dialogue in front of the class. Make another dialogue to perform in the class. The roles are doctors and patients and the patients’ family members. Divide the class into several groups and act out the role-play in front of the class. Choose the best one and give them praise. 任务二:(☆☆) Make up a dialogue in front of the class. When they are act


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