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女人走向成熟的标志 1. Immature woman will spend their parents money; ? ?Mature woman will spend their own money or the mans money. 1.不成熟的女人会花父母的钱; ??成熟的女人会自己挣钱或花男人的钱。 2. Immature woman chooses the dignity of life in frony of life, dignity and the burden; ? ?Mature woman would choose the burden. 2.不成熟的女人在面对生命的尊严与生活的重担时,选择生命的尊严; ??成熟的女人会选择生活的重担。dignity?? 英[diɡniti] 美[d?ɡn?ti]???? 翻译: 尊严??? n. 1.庄严, 端庄, 尊严 2.高尚, 尊贵, 高贵 3.自豪;自尊;自重 burden?? 英[b?:d?n] 美[b?dn]???? 翻译: 负担??? n. 1.重负 2.(义务、责任等的)重担,负担 3. Immature woman chooses friendship from love when the conflict happens; ? ?Mature woman would choose marriage. 3.不成熟的女人在友情和爱情发生冲突的时候会选择友情; ??成熟的女人会选择婚姻。 4. ature woman likes to talk self-centered; ? ?Mature woman talk all the time taking others feelings into consideration. 4.不成熟的女人说话总喜欢以自我为中心; ??成熟的女人说话的时候会顾全对方的感受。 5. Immature woman will always check a mans cellphone text messages only to ge herself angry. ? ?Mature woman would for bear their own curiosity to preserve the familys integrity and spiritual calmness. 5.不成熟的女人会时常看男人的手机短信,给自己惹火上身。 ??成熟的女人会隐忍自己的好奇心保全家庭的完整和精神层面的平静。 integrity?? 英[inteɡriti] 美[?nt?ɡr?ti]???? 翻译: 完整性??? n. 1.正直; 诚实, 诚恳 2.完整, 完全, 完善 6. Immature woman only wants to gain from marriage; ? ?Mature woman learns to respect and understanding in marriage. 6.不成熟的女人在婚姻里只懂得索取。 ??成熟的女人在婚姻懂得尊重与理解。 7. Immature woman abuses the husbands mistress when he has an extramarital affair; ? ?Mature woman refelects on herself the moment she discovers her husband has an extramarital affair. 7.不成熟的女人在怀疑丈夫有婚外恋的时候谩骂小三。 ??成熟的女人在发现丈夫有婚外恋的首先自我反省。 8. Immature woman tends toquarrel with her husband when he is impetuous. ? ?Mature woman will try everything she could to release his pressure. 8.不成熟的女人面对丈夫浮躁的时候喜欢打破沙锅问到底。 ??成熟的女人却会为丈夫端来一碰温度适宜的洗脚水帮丈夫减压。 9. Immature woman enjoy a long-term Cold War with her husband. ? ?Mature women will show a maternal tenderness to her husband. 9.不成熟的女人喜欢和丈夫长期冷战。 ??成熟的女人会展现母性的温柔给丈夫一份舒心。 maternal?? 英[m?t?:nl] 美[m?t?n?l]???? 翻译: 产妇??? adj. 1.母亲


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