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英语作文素材整理——学习学习方法1)We should stimulate our initiative by...我们应该通过……来激发学习自主性。2)Be absorbed in learning rather than completing it vaguely.投入学习而非心不在焉地应付它。3)On this basis,they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning,exciting their interests and toughening their willpower. 在此基础上,他们可以帮助他们追求学习目标,激发他们的兴趣并使他们的意志力更坚固。学习精神Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while youre climbing it. 所有的人都想停留在山顶,但所有的乐趣和成长发生在往上爬的过程中。A willing mind makes a hard journey easy.只要兴致好,跋涉不疲劳。Perseverance is what it takes to do anything well.学习的作用、影响和意义1)Education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are.2)After a rainy winter follows a fruitful spring.今冬雨水足,来春果满枝。3)A man is brilliant with deep thoughts.一个具有深沉思想的人是卓越的。4)Anyone,who is blind to the priority of study,may pay a heavy price. 任何忽视学习重要性的人都将付出惨重的代价。其它idle(avoiding work,laze)adj. 不愿工作的,懒散的,懒惰的 v. 虚度光阴;无所事事determine the direction of our lifes英语作文素材整理——环境与旅行It will be incredibly wasteful to do…做……事是非常浪费的Any government/society,which is blind to the priority of environment,may pay a heavy price. 任何忽视环境重要性的政府/社会都将付出惨重的代价。Though warned of…,sightseers have been flocking to the site where the world’s (人名) …lived.尽管…游客们依然蜂拥而入……Maintain the consistent(始终如一的) quality of…英语作文素材整理——健康It refers to not only concrete(具体的) issues but also attitudes and beliefsAdopt all kinds of extreme weight control behaviors,including vomiting(呕吐),using laxatives(泻药),or diet pills.By focusing attention on healthy ways of living,the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.Do a combination of stretching aerobic and muscle-strengthening every day.failure to exercisestrive to maintain and improve their health conditionWithout resolution,it’s impossible to accomplish any leap in sth.英语作文素材整理——常见词替换Big【vast】辽阔的,庞大的,大量的(~=immense)a vast amount of forest 莽莽苍苍的树林a vast crowd 一大群人in the vast majority of


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