【走向高考】2017年高考英语一轮复习 第二部分 语法专题15 构词法 新人教版.doc

【走向高考】2017年高考英语一轮复习 第二部分 语法专题15 构词法 新人教版.doc

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【走向高考】2017年高考英语一轮复习 第二部分 语法专题15 构词法 新人教版

语法专题15 构词法 Ⅰ.根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空 1.It is ________(legal) to drive after drinking alcohol in most countries. 答案:illegal 句意:大多数国家,酒后开车违法。 2.________ (lead) advertisements are not allowed by law. 答案:Misleading 句意:法律不允许误导的广告。 3.It is ________(reasonable)to stick to this absurd proposal. 答案:unreasonable 句意:坚持这种荒谬的建议是不合理的。 4.You must be ________(literate) if you have not heard of Shakespeare. 答案:illiterate 句意:如果你没听说过莎士比亚,那你一定是文盲的。 5.There exists the ________(balance) between the rich and poor countries. 答案:imbalance 句意:富国与穷国之间存在着不平衡。 6.Her illness had made her completely ________(mobile). 答案:immobile 句意:她的病使得她完全不能活动了。 7.His identity is ________(know) to us so we have to confirm. 答案:unknown 句意:他的身份为我们所不知,所以我们得证实。 8.He seems to be ________(aware)of the trouble he is making. 答案:unaware 句意:他似乎不知道他正造成的麻烦。 9.Jim is ________(patient)with his little sister who is so noisy. 答案:impatient 句意:吉姆对他吵闹的小妹妹不耐烦。 10.The ________(expect)death of her son made her sad. 答案:unexpected 句意:她儿子意外死亡让她很悲伤。 11.Running a business without a budget(预算) is ________(practical). 答案:impractical 句意:经营生意而没有预算是不实际的。 12.The government ________(close) that another ambassador had been arrested for spying. 答案:disclosed 句意:政府公开另一个外交大使因间谍罪被逮捕。 13.The bright dress is ________(proper)for a funeral. 答案:improper 句意:鲜艳的衣服不合适参加葬礼。 14.This delay was ________(avoidable)so we had to be patient. 答案:unavoidable 句意:延迟不可避免,所以我们得耐心。 15.His income is ________(adequate) to meet his basic needs and he has to find another job. 答案:inadequate 句意:他的收入不足以满足基本要求,他得再找份工作。 16.Students get a ________(count)of 25% on plane tickets. 答案:discount  句意:学生享有25%的机票折扣。 17.The water is ________(fit)for drinking and you have to go without water. 答案:unfit 句意:这水不适宜饮用,你只能不喝水了。 18.Its ________(honesty)to lie about ones age. 答案:dishonest 句意:谎报自己的年龄是不诚实的。 19.The injured man was ________(capable)of walking, so he had to be carried. 答案:incapable 句意:那个受伤的人不能走路,所以他得被人背着。 20.He was ________(ability)to sleep at night because of his anxiety. 答案:unable 句意:由于焦虑,晚上他不能入睡


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