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这份材料是本人上网找的,只有部分单元(缺第一,第四,第八,第十一),这些翻译也许不是最好的,大家如果不满意,自己上网找 Unit two The most intensive(强烈的) study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello,where it is impossible to avoid them.Torcello is a minute island in the Venetian lagoon(泻湖);here among vineyards and wild flowers,some thirty cottages surround a great cathedral(大教堂) which was being built when William the Conqueror came to England. 我所做过的关于游客的最透彻的研究是在Torcello完成的,在那里你根本没法避开他们。Torcello是威尼斯泻湖上一个很小的岛屿:这里的葡萄园和野花间散布了大概三十间村舍,环绕着建立于征服者威廉到达英国时期的一座大教堂。 A canal and a path lead from the lagoon to the village;the vineyards are intersected (分隔的)by canals ;red and yellow sails (帆船)glide slowly through the vines.Bells from the campanile (钟塔)ring out reproaches three time a day (cloches,cloches,divins reproches)joined by a chorus from the surrouonding islands. 一座运河和一条小道将泻湖和村庄连结起来;运河蜿蜒而过将葡萄园隔开;红色和黄色的船帆缓慢地穿梭于葡萄藤之间。钟楼每天三次鸣响谴责曲,届时周围岛屿的钟声也会响起,组成一曲大合唱。 There is an inn(hotle ) where I lived one summer,writing my book and observing the tourists .Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice.Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it,off the regular steamers,off chartered motor-boats,and off yachts,all day they amble up the towpath,looking for what? 我曾花费一年夏天的时间住在一间小旅馆写作,同时观察形形色色的游客。曾经孤独如一片浮云的Torcello最近成为从威尼斯出发的短途旅游热点。游客之多远远超出了Torcello的正常接待能力:他们跳下定期汽轮、跳下租借的摩托艇、跳下豪华游艇,蜂拥而至;他们整天都在运河边的小路上漫步,到底在寻找什么?? The cathedral is decorated(装饰) with early mosaics-scences from hell,much restored,and a great sad ,austere(严峻的) Madonna;Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it. 大教堂由早期的马赛克装饰,很好的重现了地狱般风格,其间还有一尊巨大的神情悲伤而严峻的圣母像;拜占庭艺术品味需要后天培养,而真正能够欣赏的游客可能还不到十分之一。 They wander into the church and look round aimlessly.They come out on to the village green and photograph each other in a stone armchair said to be the throne (王座)of Attila.They relentlessly tear at the wild roses which one has seen in bud and longed to see in bloom and which ,for a day have scented


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