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双门峡中国诗歌谷风景区简介 Brief Introduction of Double Door Gorge Scenic Area 双门峡中国诗歌谷风景区规划面积9.7平方公里,集山、水、洞、石、林之精髓融雄、奇、险、峻、幽一,。“The Most Beautiful Spot for Photography of China” by an magazine –Chinese National Geography.Forming an unique global hydrological landscape and cultural customs, natural environment and cultural landscape reflect each other ,bringing out the best. 一线瀑位于愚池下水流从高约50m的陡岩倾泄而下,破岩成槽,连跌两潭,终年不断。在一线瀑布的右上方有一座大山,左面一座小山,传说大山就是南极仙翁,小山则是他的神童。仙翁酒醉后,卧于山腰之间,神童见仙翁每日醉酒,悄悄地将仙翁的酒壶芦侧翻,那扑鼻醇香的琼浆玉液从壶口倾泻而下,地门龙神闻其香,便张开那贪婪的大口,意欲将此美酒一饮而尽,然而没喝上几口,便醉倒在地,玉液又顺溢出,流经整个峡谷,为此整个双门峡的水都有一股清甜、纯正、爽口的感觉。 Lovers waterfall 也叫情人瀑,溪流林木掩映的悬崖一叠叠细瀑流水,两道高40的一大一小十分醒目情爱之人常常到此处面对日月,相依瀑水边,诉说衷情传说情侣相携共饮此水,便可白头偕老,幸福一生。 ’s also called volentine’s waterfall. Streams through the cliffs and steep stone shaded by trees,forming a stack of thin waterfall flowing.There are two 40meters high thin waterfall which is very eye-catching.One is large and one is small .It got its name from lovers often came here to watch sun and moon near the water,sharing the feelings.It is said that if a couple of lover drink the water together ,they will have a lasting relationship and happy life. 怡心瀑 Pleasant Waterfall 怡心瀑是一种钙华瀑,一种“凝固的瀑布”瀑水飞流导致水体物理化学条件迅速变化,并伴有生物作用使碳酸钙发生沉积而形成。水瀑从石瀑顶上撒落而下,构成千姿百态的瀑布画面石瀑为水瀑增添秀色,水瀑为石瀑注入灵气,两者在深幽峡谷空间的烘托下,创造出大自然纯真美的辉煌,它既是古今瀑布演变历史的生动记录,又是一种极富观赏价值的旅游资源。aterfall is a kind of travertine waterfall and“frozen waterfall”. The water flowing leads to rapid changes in physical and chemical conditions, and with the biological effect formed calcium carbonate deposition .The waterfall flow down from the top of the stone water,making different poses and different expressions’picture.Stonefall adds color to waterfall. Waterfall pours some nimbus into stonefall.Both in the deep canyon space foiling,creat brilliant beauty closed to nature.It will have relaxed and happy feeling.Therefore ,hence its name.It is not only vivid record of the history evolution of ancient and modern falls,but also one kind of highly appreci


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