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不忍心,舍不得unable to bring oneself to, can’t bear to 兼听则明,偏听则暗listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多for a congenial friend, a thousand toast are too few, in a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many 酒后吐真言wine in, truth out 圈钱gouge money 八卦the 8 trigrams(8 combination of 3 solid and broken lines joined in pairs to form 64 hexagrams(六线形), formerly used in divination) 太极the supreme ultimate(the absolute in ancient Chinese cosmology, presented as the primary source of all created things) 太极图Diagram of the SU(consisting of a wavy or double curved line bisecting a circle, one half of which is white and the other black, a symbol of Taoism and a motif in art) 太极拳a system of physical exercise that emphasizes balance, coordination, and effortlessness in movements, designed for attaining bodily and mental control and well-being and also as an art of self-defense 阴阳the two opposing principals in nature The former feminine and negative, the latter muscular and positive Ancient Chinese astronomy 忠言逆耳利于行good advise is harsh to the ear, faithful words offend the ear, honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct 绵里藏针a firm character behind a gentle appearance 客随主便a guest should suit the convenience of the host 信口开河run off (泄洪)at the mouth 石油巨头oil giant, oil major/titan/behemoth(SHELL) 石油寡头oligarch 烧锅炉,看大门as ordinary as anyone, people on the street 不成就赖你your fault, you are to blame 欺负我们bait/bully 忽悠lobby 大脑一片空白all blank 和盘托出reveal everything, hold nothing back 击掌为誓,饮酒为誓let the wine bear witness to our words. Let us make it a deal by clapping our hands 月月开花年年不结果to blossom by each month but just won’t bear fruit by the year end, making continuous small progress without yielding positive results 不计较眼前得失care for, give a light heart to 金字招牌a golden-lettered signboard, a vainglorious title 树立金字招牌 set a golden(极好的)image 孕育着更大的场面be pregnant with a more splendid picture/scene 囊中之物:sth. certain o


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