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Multiple choice (10P each 1P) 1) Which of the following codes cannot be transmitted in fiber ______.  ACMI B. HDB3 C. 5B6B D. 8B1H 2) A single mode fiber usually has a core diameter of ______. A. 10m B. 62. 5nm C. 125nm D. 50mm 3) Dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) is a type of single-mode fiber designed to have zero dispersion near _____ nm. A.1550 B.850 C.1310 D.1510 4) To make sure that the APD photo-detector works properly, a sufficiently ______ is applied across the p-n junction. A. high forward-bias voltage B. low forward-bias voltage C. low reverse-bias voltage D. high reverse-bias voltage 5) It is well known that the total dispersion in the single-mode regime is composed of two components, ______ and ______ . A. mode-partition noise , inter- symbol Interference B. frequency chirp , modal dispersion C. material dispersion , waveguide dispersion D. modal dispersion , waveguide dispersion 6) The mode has no cut off and ceases to exist only when the core diameter is zero. A. HE11 B. TE01 C. TM01 D. EH11 7) In graded-index optical fiber, the numerical aperture NA can be expressed as ______. A. B. C. D. 8) Which of the following doesn’t belong to passive optical components ______. A. Directional coupler B. Semiconductor laser C. Optical fiber connector D. Optical attenuator 2. Write the full name of the following acronym (10P each 1P) IMD SCM AOTF RA SPM HFC OTDM TW SCM 10) DBR 3. Filling blanks (20P each 1P) 1) The main cause of intrinsic absorption in the infrared region is ( ). 2) STM-1 frames


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