unit3-a healthy life -reading设计.doc

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Period 2. reading (1) Learning aims:(学习目标) Learn about some knowledge of health. . Learn about the harm of smoking and how to stop smoking. Important points:(学习重点) Understand the passage. Learn about the harm of smoking and how to stop smoking. Difficult points:(学习难点) How to improve reading skills. Skim the passage and answer the following questions. 1. Who wrote the letter to whom? 2. What is the purpose of the letter? 3. What are the suggestions James’ grandfather gives to quit smoking? (2)Match the paragraphs with the main ideas Para 1 A. James’ problem of smoking. Para2 B. Telling three ways of becoming addicted to smoking. Para3 C. The writer’s hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking. Para4 D. Tell us the harmful effects of smoking. Para5 E. From the life the writer is living, we know the importance of a healthy life. Task 2. Read the letter carefully and try to fill in the chart. Information from the reading passage Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes 1.____________ addicted to nicotine. 2.addicted through __________ 3. ___________ addicted Information from the reading passage Harmful physical effects for smokers 1.do terrible damage to ________________________ . 2.have difficulty in _________________________ . 3.can not _______________ . Effects that a person’s smoking can have on other people 1.other people _________________ . 2. The cigarette smoke may do harm to__________________________ . Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance be unable to ______________ . Task 3.True or false questions 1. If a young lady often smokes, she may give birth to a bigger baby in the future. ( ) 2. People who smoke are more likely to suffer from heart disease.( )3. After smoking for a few years, a man may find that he can’t run as fast as before.( ) 4. Tom said that he felt happier when he smoked. That means he is physically addicted(


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