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九年级上册期末测试卷 (满分10分,时间100分钟)’s the movie about? A.A missing plane. B.Animals in danger. C.The earth in the future. ( )9.What time will the movie start? A.At 7:10. B.At 7:30. C.At 7:50. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 ( )10.What did the man do last Sunday? A.He stayed at home studying. B.He went hiking with his parents. C.He stayed at home watching TV. ( )11.When will the man go hiking? A.Tomorrow. B.Next Saturday. C.Next Sunday. ( )12.What did the woman do last Sunday? A.She saw a movie with her friend. B.She went climbing with her parents. C.She stayed at home watching TV. 听下面一段独白,回答第13至第15三个小题。 )13.What can you see in Singapore? A.Beaches B.Mountains. C.Museums. ( )14.Why is car driving not suggested in Singapore? A.Because foreigners are not allowed to drive there. B.Because there may be heavy traffic in some parts. C.Because car driving is much too expensive there. ( )15.How is the weather in Singapore? A.It’s hot. B.It’s warm. C.It’s cool. 第三节 听下面一段短文。根据短文内容,按照你所听到的先后顺序将下列活动排序,并将其标号填写在题号的横线上。短文读两遍。 A.The girl picked up the phone and spoke. B.The young man explained that he wanted to repair the phone. C.The girl went shopping. D.The girl ran to a public phone box. E.The young man waited in the rain. 16.______ 17.______ 18.______ 19.______ 20.______ 二,单项选择。(15分) ( )1. — _________terrible weather it is! —The radio says that it will get_______ later in the day. A. What a; back B. How; bad C. What; worse D. How a ; worse ( )22. Lian Zhan with his visitors ________from Taiwan _________paying his first visit to the mainland of China. A. who come; is B. which come; is C. which is; is D.that are; are ( )23.If you don’t go there, ________________ A. so do I B. so will I C. neither do I D. neither will I ( )24.There are many shops on side of the street. A.neither B.either C.every D.all ( )25.The book was bought


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