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Guidelines for Public Speaking I. Introduction: Speaking in Public Requires More Than a Voice These guidelines are written for university students who want to improve their public speaking skills through competition or otherwise. They indicate some of the proven skills required and briefly indicate how they may be achieved. A prepared speech should be written before it is delivered. This allows speakers to ensure that they are making relevant and sensible comments in a logical order and using appropriate language. It is evident that preparation requires practice and rehearsal, but it also requires the written speech to be worked on so that notes can be used effectively. Guidance will be given as to how to do this. When giving a speech or presentation, the “how” is as important as the “what”. It has been found that 70% of communication is visual rather than verbal. Therefore, the content alone may not be enough to hold the interest of an audience. Indeed, there are many potentially interesting and entertaining topics that are made boring because the speaker has not learnt how to deliver their ideas and information appropriately. Likewise, interesting content well delivered in visual terms can be destroyed by a flat monotone, a harsh harangue or a weak chatty voice. Learning how to give a short speech for which there has not been time given for preparation is a useful skill. It enables people to practice thinking on their feet whilst at the same time organizing what they want to say into an understandable structure. Guidance is provided on how to deal with impromptu speeches. Guidance is therefore given in three sections: How to write a speech-script content and script preparation How to deliver a speech-vocal delivery and physical delivery Impromptu speech Note: Speaking competitions are sometimes judged under 3 headings: Manner (delivery), Matter (content) and Method (language). Method, the language element comes into both delivery (how you say something) and the


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