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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 名 称 某市110kV降压变电所电气一次部分设计 学 生 姓 名 学 号 系、年级专业 指 导 教 师 职 称 2010年06月01日 内 容 提 要 随着电力体制改革的进一步深化,电网建设得到了迅速发展,为了适应市场机制,提高经济效益,促进电网安全稳定运行,越来越多的变电站实现了无人值班。实践表明,无人值班方式增强了设备可靠性,简化了生产管理环节,降低了电力建设造价,推动了供电网络运行科学化管理。因此,变电站实行无人值班已成为电网发展的必然趋势。 本设计为110kV变电站一次部分初步设计,采用无人值班管理模式和综合自动化控制方式。本设计一次部分严格按照无人值班变电站设计规程的规定进行设计。该变电站装设两台主变压器,站内电气主接线分110kV、35kV和10kV三个电压等级,110kV、35kV10kV接线同样采用单母线分段接线方式。 110kV变电站;电气主接线With the further in-depth of electric power system reform, electric network construction has been developed rapidly. In order to adapt the market mechanism, increase economic benefit, promote the electric network being safe to be run steadily, more and more unattended substations have been realized. Practice indicates, the unattended way has strengthened the dependability of the equipment, simplified the link of production management. It reduces electric power build fabrication cost and promote power network manage run scientific. So, the substation implements unattended mode has already become the inexorable development trend of electric network. This design is for the electric department device of the 110kV high-voltage substation to adopt unattended management mode and integrated automation system. The design abide strictly the rules of the unattended substation design regulations. This transformer substation installs two main transformers, in the station the electrical host meets line segment 110kV, 35kV and the 10kV three voltages ranks, the 110kV,35kV and 10kV adopt sectionalized single bus. This main text of the design is divided into two parts, including the design instruction booklet and the design account book . The design instruction booklet includes outline, the comparison and study-out of main connection design , transformer choice,


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