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班级___________ 姓名_____________ 学号___________ Unit Test (Unit 10) 一.听力(共8分) 王毅生病后,妈妈给他提出建议。选出对话中的建议。 (共2 分). A.B. C. Ben和Sara是同学,听完他们的谈话后,请匹配他们学英语时的困难。(共2分). Ben Pronunciation Reading Sara Listening Memorizing the new words 听电话对话,完成下面接电话人员的记录表。(共4 分) Caller Problems Suggestions salesperson Cannot _________ the new words _______ the words and read them every day __________________ Can’t understand _________ Ask them to repeat 二.阅读(共 21分 ) 阅读李芳给朋友张欣的邮件,选出她在生活中碰见的困难及相应的愿望来填写表格。(共4 分) Hi, Zhang Xin, I’m so sad now. I become fatter and fatter. I’d like to be thinner. And I think my stress is great. I want to reduce my stress. What can I do to make my life happier? Would you like to give me some advice? I’m looking forward to your early reply. Regards, Li Fang She becomes thinner and thinner. She becomes fatter and fatter. She feels her stress is great. She can become thinner. She wants to give some advice. She can reduce the stress. Difficulties Wishes 阅读朋友张欣回复给李芳的邮件,选出如何加入俱乐部,并对其排序。(共3 分) Hi, Li Fang, I’m sorry to hear that you aren’t happy now. I think you’d better to join the Health Club. It can help you to reduce both your weight and stress. Now I introduce how to join the health club to you. First you go to the club to fill in a form. Second, you pay the membership. Third, get the schedule and the member card from the reception desk. Regards, Zhang Xin apply for the form. pay the membership fill in the form get the schedule and member card ____ _____ _____ 阅读以上两封邮件,判断下列句子的正误.( 共6 分,每小题1分 ) ( ) Li Fang’s life isn’t happy. ( ) Three things make Li Fang sad. ( ) Li Fang gives some advice to Zhang Xin. ( ) Zhang Xin hopes Li Fang to join the cooking club. ( ) The member can get the schedule form the reception desk. ( ) The membership is free. 阅读社区论坛上的求助信息,找出发帖人与碰到的困难进行匹配.(共4 分)


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