专题 高中必考重难点单词(上)-讲义.doc

专题 高中必考重难点单词(上)-讲义.doc

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高中必考重难点单词(上) 主讲教师:张志强 北京市英语高级教师 题一: 用reward, award填空: 1. She was ________ a medal for bravery by the local government. 2. The police station offers a 10,000 yuan________ for the information about that murderer. 3. The ________ they offer for the best story is a free trip to Europe. reward n.奖赏;vt.酬报,报答,奖赏 in reward a reward for... reward sb. with sth. for sth rewarding adj. As a reward for passing her exams, she got a new bike from her parents. 题二: — How much do you _____for repairing such a pair of shoes? —5 dollars, Sir. It’s a reasonable price. A. spend    B. cost C. pay D. charge charge vt.收费,要价;控告 n.负责;费用;控告;管理 charge some money for free of charge in charge of in the charge of sb. take charge of charge sb. with Don’t forget to charge the money of the shoes to my account. 别忘了把鞋钱记在我账上。 The tax collector has been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers. 收税员受到指控,罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财。 题三: Please ________—we can’t hear you at the back. A. go up B. speak out C. speak up D. speed up speak up大声地说,自由而大胆地说出 speak out speak for speak of speak highly/well of sb. speak badly/evil/ill of sb. If you thought that wasn’t fair, why didn’t you speak up? 题四: I don’t think you’ve quite ________ the seriousness of the situation. A. seized B. grasped C. grabbed D. caught grasp vtvi.n.理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧 grasp one’s meaning beyond/within one’s grasp grasp at 词语辨析:catch,grab,grasp与seize 1. catch:普通用语,有“设法抓住、捉住”的意思。 She threw the ball and I caught it. 2. grab:“攫取,抓住”,表示一把抓住某物,其所表示的动作粗野甚至侵犯到了别人的权利。 He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the fire. 3. grasp:“紧紧抓住”,常指用手指、牙、爪等掐住、咬住;可延伸为“完全理解、掌握”。 I grasped the cat by the back of its neck. 4. seize:“用武力夺取、占领或抢去”;也作“抓住,抓取”讲,强调突然用力不使其逃脱;还可指“抓住(机会)”。 He seized my hand and shook it heartily. 题五: You should ________ the car well before you buy it. A. inspect B. insert C. install D. insult inspect vt.vi.仔细检查 I got out of the car to inspect the da


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