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13.Radioactivity 放射性 Radioactivity 放射性 Atomic nuclei consist of combinations of protons, or positively-charged particles, and neutrons, or uncharged particles. 原子核是由质子与子相结合而构成;也叫带正电荷的粒子,中子也叫不带电荷的粒子。 The number of protons and neutrons in each element can vary, but only certain combinations are stable. 每一种元素中质子和中子的数目可能有所不同,而只有一些元素的组合比较稳定。 For example, calcium-48, having 20 protons and 28 neutrons, is a stable isotope of calcium. 例如钙-48含有20个质子和28个中子,是钙的稳定同位素。 But if there is an excess or deficiency of neutrons in any combination, the isotope will be unstable. 可是在任何一种组合中,如果中子数目不足或者过剩,同位素就不稳定。 A nucleus is more likely to be unstable if it is a heavy one — that is, if it contains a large number of protons and neutrons. 如果原子核是重核,也就是说原子核如含有大量质子和中子,就可能更加趋于不稳定。 Unstable nuclei attempt to achieve stability by emitting some form of radiation, until they transform themselves into stable isotopes. 不稳定的原子核总是要通过放射出某种放射线的方式达到稳定,也就是说直到原子本身衰变为稳定的同位素才能稳定。 There are radioactive isotopes of every element, either those existing in nature or else those activated artificially by bombardment of stable nuclei with nuclear particles such as protons, alpha-particles or neutrons. 每种元素都有放射性同位素。有的放射性同位素是自然界中存在的,有的利用诸如质子、α粒子或中子一类的核子,对稳定的原子核进行轰击而用人工方法制造的。 However, a particle will not be absorbed by the target nucleus unless its velocity corresponds with one of the energy levels of the nucleus. 然而,除非粒子的速度与原子核的一个能级相适应,否则粒子就不可能为靶子核所吸收。 Heavy nuclei, having more energy levels than light nuclei, are more likely to effect capture of a particle — a fact which helps to explain the importance of uranium, thorium and other very heavy atoms in nuclear research. 重核比轻核具有更多的能级,因而可更有效地俘获粒子。这一事实有助于阐明铀、钍和其他重原子在核研究中的重要性。 Since the neutron is uncharged, it is not affected by the charged electrons and protons of the target atom, and is therefore more likely to be captured than any other particle, provided that it is in resonance with an energy level of the nucleus. 由于中子不带电荷,所以不受带电粒子和靶原子的


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