新通用大学英语2、Unit 7语言点.doc

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新通用大学英语2、Unit 7语言点

注:按照授课顺序。 Scene 1: colors: tomato red, berry red, deep red; dark green, yellow orange expressions: I don’t feel like looking at any more colors. Quit complaining. I can’t stand looking at it. I’m nervous (because) you’re going to paint the whole wall that color. Can we discuss leaving the walls just like this? I’m tired of looking at yellow walls. (I have to repaint them.) Part 1 (Lesson 2) 略去。 Part 1 (Lesson 1) expressions: down in the dumps 心情不好,情绪低落。 Nothing I can put my finger on. 我什么也弄不明白。 feel a little out of sorts 身体不适;心情不好。 Scene 2: sentences: It’s not in my nature. It’s not your personality. Works every time. (the chocolate) Part 2 (Lesson 1) vocabulary: personality traits, lime green淡黄绿色;extrovert, introvert sentences: May I speak to… please? - This is she. Well, that’s not exactly what I had in mind. –反对对方的想法 It fits your personality. I’m really excited about meeting you in person. – I’m looking forward to it, too. Part 2 (Lesson 2) 略,或者可以记下术语的定义: Personality: Personality is a person’s pattern or a style of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Personality is not behavior, thoughts, or feelings, but rather a person’s style or “way” of interacting with other people. Thought: Thoughts are like words inside. Memories, wishes, plans… those are all thoughts. Emotion: Emotions are feelings—like anger, love, fear, hate. Genetics: the characteristics, or “traits”, you get from your two parents The environment: environment—everything around you that you learn from: the family, the culture, and your life experiences. Part 3 (Lesson 1) sentences: Two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. There is a great deal of debate between proponents of each theory. …are largely determined by biological and genetic factors Taken to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a degree that we are almost completely governed by our instinct. Behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings vocabulary: intelligent, coo


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