中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误 学习笔记.docx

中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误 学习笔记.docx

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中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误 学习笔记

Live and learn 又学习到新东西了Learn and live只有学会如何生活才能活得有意义Live and let live自己好好活,也让别人好好活Kings and bears often worry their keepers伴君如伴虎Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares女大不中留House of adultsWelcome to Beijing北京欢迎您You are always welcome欢迎下次光临Plain clothes便衣警察Homely meal家常便饭It is really more than I can tell you实在不方便告诉你Well, yes and no视情况而定More or less so或多或少是这样的if my memory serves me right我记得是这样的If need be如果必要的话Head-on clash正面冲突Distort facts歪曲事实Vacuum flash保暖杯Honey trapStop watch秒表Pigeon-toe内八字Contact lens隐形眼镜Go back on one’s words食言Eat one’s words收回并更正说错的话Straight talker直来直去Blame-shifter老是怪别人的Clock-watcher老看着钟A late starter大器晚成Master complicate老爱无事生非The ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution of contradiction constitute the dialectical law of the development of thing矛盾不断出现,又不断解决,这就是事物发展的辩证规律More than enough to fill my time实在忙不过来A stab of guilt因良心谴责而感到刀扎一样痛苦What is the population询问多少人口I have no opinion of him他给我印象太坏Stand on one’s hands站在手上Fall on one’s knees跪下Sleep late 睡懒觉Between two lights晚上Place Tender Exact Fare不设找零If you want to impute a crime to someone, you do not have to discuss yourself at the want of an excuse愈加其罪,何患无辞Let us get real别废话了,说点正经的吧Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?I can not help it我也无能无力Cool it悠着点Bottle it闭嘴Hit it well with…相处得好…You will live to rue it总有一天你要后悔的I give it to him ht and strong我让他吃不完兜着走Bach it all his life一辈子光棍Golf course高尔夫球场Shooting range靶场Water cube水立方Dressage盛装舞步Trampoline蹦床Sandstorm control project治沙工程Initial success初步成就Inhalable particles可吸入颗粒物Inhale/exhale吸,呼Non-driving day无车日Cars with odd/even number plates are allowed to go on the road only on odd/even dates单双号车牌出行计划Embrace the world走向世界Show compassion奉献爱心Foul play小动作Give them precedence t show politeness主动礼让Make catcalls喝倒彩Careless about one’s appearance不修边幅Jumping the queue插队graffiti in tourist spots乱倒乱涂Snap your finger打响指Barebacked光膀子的Shelf life存放时间Barrier-free passage无障碍通道Snooker壁球Aquiline nose鹰钩鼻Pug nose狮子鼻Turn-up nose朝天鼻Snub nose塌鼻子Vegetable nose蒜鼻子Brandy nose酒糟鼻A respectf


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