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写作专题12--建议倡导呼吁信函 小云一:建议信函题型特点和写作思路建议信是针对某事向收信人提出建议和忠告的信件,建议信有可能是写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法和观点;也可能是写个某个组织和机构,就改进其服务提出建议和忠告。建议信通常简明扼要,目的明确,具有合理性和说服性。写作思路 第一步;表明写作意图,陈述事由,引出作者的建议。 第二步:肯定对方的优点,对需要改进的地方或针对具体情况提出具体建议。 第三步:表达本人的愿望。二:常用词汇和句型常用的词汇和词组Mention V._________2. proposal n._________ 3.recommend v.__________Suggestion n._________ 5.appreciate v._________ 6.wise adj._________关于,至于 __________ 8.根据某人的意见________________ 采取措施________________ 10. 听从建议 ____________ 11. 如下 __________ 12.考虑________________常用的句子建议信开头常用的句子I’m writing to tell you about... We have had about ...I have been thinking about the question you wrote in the letter. In my opinion, you should...I’m writing to you to know what is going on with...It is strongly recommended that ...As to the problem you mentioned in the last letter, here are any suggestions.My suggestions are as follows.It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on...Since you have asked me for advice regarding... I will try to make some constructive suggestions.When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you should ...If I were you, I would ...建议信结尾常用的句子 I feel that it would be of great benefit if...I would appreciate it if you could follow my suggestions.I would be very pleased if you could take my advice.It would be an honor to me if you could take my proposal into account.I hope you can benefit a great deal from my suggestions.In the end, I hope you will find my suggestions useful.It would be very nice if you could take my suggestions into account.参考框架与范文参考框架Dear___________,1. I am writing to you to ...It is my pleasure to ______(表明写作意图).2.As__________, _________is getting more and more important./Nowadays, there is a growing concern on _________(阐明现象).3.As _________, I am writing this letter to express my view concerning_________(引出建议).4. The main problem in ________ is that _________(建议的原因).5.I really hope that _______. Another suggestion is to __________(阐述建议的具体内容). 6. I ____________(表达愿望).7. Thank you ! I


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