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a rain check 留待天晴补看的票根;延期举行 a rain of bullets 枪林弹雨 a rain of congratulations 一连串/纷至沓来的祝贺 as right as rain 一帆风顺,一切正常 be caught in the rain 被雨淋着了 deposit rain 下雨,降雨,人工播雨 get out of the rain 躲雨;知道保护自己,有心计/心眼 in the rain 在雨中,冒雨 know enough to come in out of the rain 懂道理,能够自理,有心计/心眼 rain blood/tears 血流如注/泪如雨下 rain buckets 大雨倾盆,余下的很猛烈 rain cats and dogs 大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈 rain down 象雨点般落下 rain benefits on 施恩惠于... rain influence on 对...施加恩惠 rain off/out 因下雨而取消... rain on 雨点般落在...上面;纷纷落在...头上 rain or shine 无论晴雨,风雨无阻;无论如何 rain pitchforks 大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈 rain praise on 对...赞不绝口 take shelter from the rain 躲雨,避雨 It never rains but it pours. before the wind? 顺风地;顺利地 between wind and water 在船的吃水线;在要害处 big bag of wind 夸夸其谈的人 biting wind 刺骨的寒风 brave the wind 顶风,迎风,逆风 break wind (委婉语)放屁 down the wind 顺风,顺着风向 find out how /which way the wind blows first 探听风声,先搞清楚情况 fling caution to the winds 鲁莽,轻举妄动 get ones wind get the wind up get wind of 得到......的风声,掌握.......的线索 gone with the wind 随风飘去,一去不复返;大写为美国小说和电影《乱世佳人》/《飘》的名字 have the wind of? 听到......风声;占了......的上风 high wind 大风,强风 in the eye/teeth of the wind 迎着风,顶着风 in the wind 在风中;在酝酿中;在秘密进行 lose ones wind 喘不过来气,气喘吁吁 put the wind up sb. 使某人害怕,吓唬某人,把某人吓一跳 raise the wind 筹款,募捐 sound in the wind and limb 健康的,矍铄的 Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.(谚语)恶有恶报 take the wind of sb. 抢在某人之先,占了某人的上风 take the wind out of sbs sails 抢在某人之先做/说出,挫败某人 throw caution to the winds 鲁莽,轻举妄动 up the wind 顶着风,逆着风 wind back 卷回,绕回,把(钟表)往回拨 wind down (发条)转松,即将停下来;放松,休息;逐渐减少 wind instrument 管乐器 wind off 转松,解开,解下来 wind oneself into 讨好,巴结,设法进入...... wind ones way 蜿蜒前进 wind power 风力,风能 wind to a close 终止,结束 wind up 卷上,绕上,裹上;给.......上发条;结束,收工,放学 wind up with 以......而告结束 wound up, be 非常紧张,极度兴奋 a place in the sun 有太阳的地方;美好的环境,显赫的地位 bask in the sun 晒太阳 from sun to sun 从日出到日落,从早到晚 go round the sun to meet the moon 绕大弯子,舍近求远 have been in the sun 酩酊大醉 have the sun in ones eyes 酩酊大醉 in the sun 在阳光下 sun room 日光浴室 take the sun


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