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An Analysis of Language Features in Hiroshima -the “Liveliest” City Abstract: Hiroshima is a feature story or simply a feature, a type of journalistic writing .Feature stories may appear in newspapers, magazines, on TV or radio. The one we are studying was presented on an American radio program. This paper tries to analyze the features of speech such as sarcasm, alliteration, metaphor, and synecdoche, etc to research the effect of the narrative skill and reflect the theme and expressing art value of this novel. Key words: Hiroshima narrative liveliest feature stories Introduction A feature story covers a selected issue in depth .The purpose of a feature story is to hold the readers’ attention and make them read the story from beginning to end .For such an aim ,the reporter, first of all ,chooses something interesting to write about and a unique angle to present the story. The subject of a feature story can be a person, or a group of people, a place, a thing, an event, an accident ect. The subject of the feature story “Hiroshima-the ‘Liveliest’ City in Japan” is about a place –Hiroshima .The story is mainly divided into three parts: the writer’s arrival at Hiroshima, the reception by the city mayor, and his visit to the atomic ward in the hospital. The writer uses the first-person narrative voice .The story begins with the writer’s arrival at the railway station. The writer does not try to conceal his emotions about the city or his attitude toward the atomic bomb. In the very first paragraph he says, “I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind.”He asked, “Was I not at the scene of the crime?” On his way to his destination he observed the crowds of Japanese.” At the reception, the writer expected the mayor to talk about the atomic bomb and its tragic impact. To his great surprise, the mayor referred to Hiroshima as the “liveliest city in Japan.” The puzzled writer was told by an elder Japanese man that there were two schools of though


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