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Competition and Cooperation竞争与合作 【写作佳句及惯用表达】 1.If you want to remain competent in the fierce competitions, you have to spend much time reading to make yourself qualified for the present job. 如果你想要在激烈的竞争中保持有竞争力,你就得花好多时间读书来使自己工作称职。 2.Competition is found everywhere because it is human inborn nature to long for the better. 到处都能发现竞争,因为渴望更好是人的天性。 3.Many people are fond of competition because it enables them to bring their knowledge or skills into full play. 许多人喜欢竞争,因为竞争使他们充分发挥自己的知识或技能。 4.Without competition, people would remain idle and have no ambition. 没有竞争,人们就会无所事事,没有抱负。 5.Many hands make light work. (prov.) 众人拾柴火焰高。 6.Nowadays, businesspeople understand that two minds are better than one. A group of minds is even more superior. 当今,商人都懂得两个人比一个人智慧大,一群人的智慧就更大了。 7.Competition and cooperation are involved in every field of life and work. 社会各个领域都充满着竞争与合作。 8.They discussed how to seek and promote cooperation between the two countries. 他们讨论,以寻求及促进两国间的合作。 9.Fair competition promotes progress and renews the looks of our society. 公平竞争促进社会进步,使社会面貌焕然一新。 10.与competition有关的表达方式: to be in competition with与…竞争,fierce / stiff / intense competition激烈竞争,in the face of competition在竞争中, no / not much / little competition没有竞争力,a lot of / considerable / fierce competition竞争力强,to win / lose / enter a competition赢得 / 失去 / 进入竞争 【写作范文】 Some people believe that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others think that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My View on Competition and Cooperation Cooperation and competition are both important. They are attributes that are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life. If you lived on a farm two hundred years ago, you could be less cooperative to earn a successful life, just working hard in your fields, feeding your fowls and cows. But in modern times, people


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