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Advances in Physical Sciences 体育科学进展, 2014, 2, 64-69 Published Online December 2014 in Hans. /journal/aps /10.12677/aps.2014.24011 Analysing the Split Step Technology in Badminton Footwork Teaching of Colleges and Universities 1 2 1 Huan Guo , Yong Shang , Liqiang Wu 1 Graduate School, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 2 Department of Physical Education, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao Email:163.com th th st Received: Nov. 25 , 2014; revised: Dec. 16 , 2014; accepted: Dec. 21 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This paper researched badminton teaching in colleges and universities by using literature materi- al methods. Based on practical teaching experience, the paper put forward the split step technol- ogy theory in badminton footwork teaching, and also analyzed its applications in starting, return- ing and footwork combination, providing theoretical and practical functions to help students to get a better grasp of badminton footwork skills and improve quality of badminton teaching in col- leges and universities. Keywords Badminton, Footwork, Split Step, Teaching 浅析高校羽毛球步法教学中的 分腿垫步技术 1 2 1 郭 欢 ,商 勇 ,吴立强 1 中国石油大学研究生院,青岛 2 中国石油大学体育教学部,青岛 Email:163.com 64 浅析高校羽毛球步法教学中的分腿垫步技术 收稿日期:2014年11月25 日;修回日期:2014年12月16 日;录用日期:2014年12月21 日 摘 要 采用文献资料法对高校羽毛球教学进行了探讨研究。根据教学实践经验,本文对羽毛球的步法教学中, 提出分


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