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毕业设计说明书 半自动洗碗机结构造型设计 学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: 2013年 6 月 半自动洗碗机结构造型设计 摘 要 在国际和国内的市场,洗碗机已经逐步成为了家庭中必不可少的电器之一,但是在造型和结构上已经千篇一律,其中很大的原因是洗碗机本身的功能实现方式和价值成本的原因。针对这次设计实践,我准备进行尝试,对洗碗机的结构和功能进行优化设计,在不增加或极少增加生产成本的基础上,更好的设计经济实用美观的新时代洗碗机。 本设计主要针对的消费人群是普通家庭,通过市场调研分析,总结目前洗碗机在国内的市场需求,并以此为据进行前期的方案设计。 最后进行设计定位,在有效实现功能结构的基础上重点进行外观造型设计,以诠释工业设计在改善人类生活方式中所体现的价值。它记录了从调研分析到设计各个阶段的详细过程。 关键词:洗碗机,半自动,美观实用,功能实现,造型 Semi-automatic dishwasher structural design Abstract In the international and domestic market, the dishwasher has gradually become one of the essential electrical appliances in the home, but the shape and structure have been stereotyped, a big reason is the dishwasher functions and value of costscauses. In response to the design practice, I am ready to breakthr ough attempt to optimize the design of the structure and function of the dishwasher, no increase or a minimal increase in the cost of production on the basisof better design economical and practical and beautiful new era dishwasher . This design is mainly targeted consumer groups are ordinary families, through market research and analysis, summarized the current dishwasher in the domestic market demand, and as a basis for pre-order program design. The features of this article is that this is a full article for the target marketresearch and design products, and focus effectively on the basis of the functional structure appearance design, interpretation of industrial design in improving the values ??embodied in the human way of life. It records everything from research and analysis at all stages of the design process. Keywords: dishwasher, semi-automatic, beautiful and practical, function realization, modeling 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 洗碗机的发展历程 1 1.2 研究的目的及意义 1 1.3 课题研究内容和目标 2 2 市场调研分析 3 2.1 现阶段洗碗机的市场环境 3 2.1.1 国内外市场分析 3 2.1.2 市场竞争程度 3 2.1.3 目标市场 4 2.2 调研方法和考量因素 5 2.3 各品牌洗碗机的特点 6 2.3.1 美的洗碗机 6 2.3.2 西门子洗


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